Suse freezes

When I run Mozzilla it freezes, I have to shut the computer down by the computer switch, I mean really…
is this the great Linux?

Every time I attempt to get into this stuff it buggs out.

I also find Mozzilla slow, it used to be fast but now it is very slow compared to IE.


?? Mozilla? are we talking FireFox here or SeaMonkey?

What version of Suse?

How much disk space did you allow for the Linux install? How much memory do you have?

fishingmandan adjusted his/her AFDB on Tue 25 May 2010 02:26 to write:

> When I run Mozzilla it freezes, I have to shut the computer down by the
> computer switch, I mean really…
> is this the great Linux?

I don`t know is it?

You give us no details as to even which distro you are using, which version
of the distro, which wm, which dm, what net connection, nothing zilch, nada.

> Every time I attempt to get into this stuff it buggs out.
> I also find Mozzilla slow, it used to be fast but now it is very slow
> compared to IE.

How would you know apparently it does not even start for you.

I small someone fishing (sic)

Caveat emptor
Nullus in verba
Nil illegitimi carborundum

fishingmandan wrote:
> is this the great Linux?

-=welcome=- to the great Linux…my guess is you just need to get a
little further up this learning curve…to know how to first: set up
your system correctly and then how to solve what few problems might

BEFORE you pull the plug out of the wall, what happened when you went
to a Ctrl+Alt+F1 terminal and typed/entered the following:

su -
shutdown -h now

(which should have smoothly shut the machine down)


su -
init 3
init 5

(which should have smoothly killed and then restarted X)

or, maybe you also could try the procedure explained in any of these
(before the power button):

(which should have even MORE smoothly rebooted your machine)

finally: if you find that any flavor of any mozilla ‘slow’ compared
to IE then you have an EXTREMELY screwed up install…so much so that i
wanna know how long you have had the system installed and did it EVER
run Thunderbird smoothly? if not, then it sounds a lot like you may
have a corrupted install disk…

  1. did you get your install image from ? (then where?)
  2. did you check the md5sum of the downloaded iso?
  3. burn the disk as slow as you can?
  4. use good media?
  5. do this before install attempt?

if you answered “no” (or “don’t know”) to any of those then see the
following cites:

oh: yes this IS the great Linux you have heard about…it will run
circles around any IE anywhere…

so, fishingmandan if you are not just fishing to stir up strong
emotions, when you post again tell us more about your system–if you
are fishing for a fight, don’t!

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
posted via NNTP w/TBird | KDE 3.5.7 | openSUSE 10.3 SMP i686
AMD Athlon 1 GB RAM | GeForce FX 5500 | ASRock K8Upgrade-760GX |
CMedia 9761 AC’97 Audio

Open Suse 11.2
Mozzilla 3.6.3
Firebird not installed

Dual Booting with windows on a 40 Gig HDD.

Windows partition 21 Gig 8.9 used
Open Suse about 18 Gig and it was a streamlined install disk with no extra packages, got it from APC magazine free install disk.

I had windows on 40 Gig then used “G-partition” to partition the Hardrive to make space for Open Suse.

I then let the disk format the new partition and auto allocate space for each section.

When the computer freezes I do not have any keystroke input at all, but I could try what DenverD has suggested.

Seriously I have just installed this on my computer and have not even had time to get into it before it has crashed.


You should download and try the DVD. Maybe you got a defective free cd from your magazine


fishingmandan wrote:
> it was a streamlined install disk with no
> extra packages,

who is to say if their process of ‘streamlining’ was good for you, it
sounds not…

> got it from APC magazine free install disk.

their goal is to sell mags, not faithfully ‘streamline’ mainstream
distros so they can squeeze three, four or more on one disk…

> I had windows on 40 Gig then used “G-partition” to partition the
> Hardrive to make space for Open Suse.

well, you don’t say what kind of windows, but we both know that a 40
gig drive is pretty much ancient history in the grand scheme of
Internet Age…

so i doubt your machine meets the minimum specifications to run any
full up distro:

  • Pentium* III 500 MHz or higher processor (Pentium 4 2.4 GHz or
    higher or any AMD64 for Intel* EM64T processor recommended)
  • 512 MB physical RAM (1 GB recommended)
  • 3 GB available disk space (more recommended)
  • 800 x 600 display resolution (1024 x 768 or higher recommended)

if you want to run Linux on a machine with less than the recommended,
then you need to pick something other than OpenSUSE, Ubuntu, Fedora,
etc, see one of my previous posts on the subject:

> Seriously I have just installed this on my computer and have not even
> had time to get into it before it has crashed.

i suggest if you have the recommended (not minimum) hardware that
you download a live CD <> and boot
from it, see how firefox runs from the CD, etc…

these tips to new-to-Linux folks will save you a lot of time when
climbing the learning curve (which is steep, but worth it):

when you come back with questions you might forgo the attitude
revealed in you “…is this the great Linux?” because doing so will
help us assume you come for help, rather than to kick sand…

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
posted via NNTP w/TBird | KDE 3.5.7 | openSUSE 10.3 SMP i686
AMD Athlon 1 GB RAM | GeForce FX 5500 | ASRock K8Upgrade-760GX |
CMedia 9761 AC’97 Audio

20 Gig is more than enough to run Linux.

The computer is a Pentium 4, 2.6 Ghz running on
NTFS windows (Nt Kernel) 512 MB ram.

Your reply has somewhat confirmed my feelings that Linux is very buggy and so is Mozilla, most probably , by what you say, Linux and Mozilla are suffering from “bloat”…:expressionless:

Oh well looks like I will have to buy a new computer to run some crappy old program, no thanks …everything works just fine on XP :P.


fishingmandan adjusted his/her AFDB on Thu 27 May 2010 20:56 to write:

> Oh well looks like I will have to buy a new computer to run some crappy
> old program, no thanks …everything works just fine on XP :P.
> Cheers

Do mind the door on your way out.

Thanks for playing.

Caveat emptor
Nullus in verba
Nil illegitimi carborundum

fishingmandan wrote:
> Oh well looks like I will have to buy a new computer to run some crappy
> old program, no thanks …everything works just fine on XP :P.

what i thought, another M$ FUD merchant look alike–easier and easier
to spot…

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
posted via NNTP w/TBird | KDE 3.5.7 | openSUSE 10.3 SMP i686
AMD Athlon 1 GB RAM | GeForce FX 5500 | ASRock K8Upgrade-760GX |
CMedia 9761 AC’97 Audio

Oh right and your the savior of the free world, saving us from the capitalist pigs.

Give us a break rotfl!

You know Microsoft is popular for one reason…it actually works.
I have just uninstalled Firefox and Downloaded Sea-monkey and already there is a glitch in my browsing, it displays only very fine text size and when you zoom it, the form goes off the page :stuck_out_tongue:

Now really as a potential customer/contributor to net business and whatever else goes in the wide world of web, don’t you think one should have the freedom to browse and enjoy the net without putting up with **** software?

Lets face it, if you bought a TV and it only played some channels or some channels didn’t fit on the screen, you would promptly take it back and exchange it for a model displayed channels properly.

It is only the fact that people who are internet/computer savvy can contribute freely to internet content that allows them to run off at the mouth while they use software that requires a certain level of computer literacy to use (often advanced).

Most people are not computer savvy and do not have the time or computer literacy to sit on forums trying to get their software to work.

I have worked in a technical field and can honestly say that the computer support guys are more than happy to sit down and bore us all stupid with the woes and intrinsic work arounds of computer glitches, but in reality most of us don’t give a **** and just want to get on with the job.


As others have said try downloading the Real install DVD or live CD and try using that it will save you partitioning your Hard disk Drive.

There is no point in coming on a forum and running your month off about other companies software. If you are happy with MicroSoft and their products then stay with them.

Oh BTW MicroSoft Windows Xp is 10 years old, OpenSuSE 11.2 is less than 8 months old as is Mozilla Firefox.

fishingmandan wrote:
> **** software?
> but in reality most of us don’t give a ****

potty mouth

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
posted via NNTP w/TBird | KDE 3.5.7 | openSUSE 10.3 SMP i686
AMD Athlon 1 GB RAM | GeForce FX 5500 | ASRock K8Upgrade-760GX |
CMedia 9761 AC’97 Audio

Everybody, please calm down and stop bashing each other over the head.
Let’s focus on resolving the issue rather than engaging in name calling.



Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator

Jim Henderson wrote:
> Let’s focus on resolving the issue

good advice…
one little problem is that the only ‘issue’ raised as a question was
not anything like “How do i fix this problem?”, instead it was “I mean
really…is this the great Linux?”

which i think (i know i tried) i answered fully and gentlemanly in
this post (#4) which also directly
addressed trouble shooting tips so we could gather more of the
specific info needed to be of assistance to this ‘person’…

but, instead of trying to help us help (and “resolve the issue”) the
antagonist proceeded to dis this community and all its work, as he
slammed the door on the way back to “everything works just fine on XP”
(post #8)

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
posted via NNTP w/TBird | KDE 3.5.7 | openSUSE 10.3 SMP i686
AMD Athlon 1 GB RAM | GeForce FX 5500 | ASRock K8Upgrade-760GX |
CMedia 9761 AC’97 Audio

Can you tell us what graphic hardware you are using?

After the 2.6.27 kernel, an update to the kernel broke the Intel driver graphical boot for many PCs with older graphic hardware, … and sometimes the breakage/freeze shows up only minutes after X is up and running. For example the Intel i855GM is one piece of hardware that has that problem with all Linux distributions. Some of us are supporting the effort to solve the problem, but we need technical contributors to help and test.

not sure, It is basic on board graphics.

I will upgrade the computer and put it down to a Mozilla incompatability.

I enjoy surfing the net with linux because their rendering is superior to anything else.

Lets hope Linuxs gets it together and stops people adding stupid updates that ruin a good system.


There are dozens of on-board graphics. Which one ? Typically in any operating system (including Linux), to troubleshoot, one needs to know some basic technical details, such as what is the on board graphics.

This should be easy to determine. In a terminal, what is the output of:

su -c 'lspci | grep VGA'

enter root password when prompted. You need to run that from a bash shell, or from a terminal window.

Also, after running X, please copy the contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log to New - Pastie and press paste and post here the website/URL that is provided with the location of the paste. That will tell us what graphic driver you have.

Based on knowing

  1. the graphic hardware you have, and
  2. the graphic driver you are using

we may have a chance to tell if this is a new or a known problem.

Note the need to KNOW what graphic driver and what graphic hardware is in use is fundamental to any Operating System, and NOT just Linux, when troubleshooting.

Good luck in your computer upgrades. Note 512MB of RAM is not large, but it should work. Installation of many Linux distributions may be difficult from a GUI if one’s PC has only 512MB of RAM. But it is typically (in the case of openSUSE) easy to do from run level 3 in a text mode which uses less memory during the install. After the text mode install is complete, one has full graphics.

Some of us are supporting the new desktop LXDE, which will be included on the openSUSE-11.3 DVD, which promises to work VERY well and FAST for older PCs such as the one you are using.