Suse 11.4 Intermittent internet with Realtek RTL8111E ethernet controller (GA-H67xx-xxx motherboard)

Hello All

    I discovered that the default install for suse 11.4 with a Realtek RTL8111E ethernet controller would result in intermittent network connection. I found the solution and have posted it in the thread:

Default driver for Realtek RTL8111E chip (Ethernet) does not work

    Sorry for the duplication, when I first started tackling this problem I started looking in this sub-forum. I am posting it here because I am sure other affected users will be looking here first.

    Hope this is helpful.

Take Care
Mike McW

Thanks for the information. Why don’t You put this in the How To area ?

Best regards,

Note that kernel update will restore the old faulty driver see the following post for more details.

Default driver for Realtek RTL8111E chip (Ethernet) does not work