Suse 11.3 VirtualBox 3.2.8 Kernel Driver not installed err -1908

Hi, I can see this error occurring in multiple past versions of suse. The answer seems to involve recompiling the open source version of VBox, but this is surely overkill. Isn’t there a way to either a)get the right kernel version of VBox for 11.3 or b)set whatever permissions are required.

In all the answer so far I can’t see a solution I can understand for these combinations, sues 11.3 and VBox 3.2.8. The error is consistent, and if the install doesn’t work properly (it took my a few attempts even to install it without error messages) then surely its an issue either for Oracle or Suse? It runs ok but hwen trying to fire up a newly created XP VM this error message occurs

Any help gratefully appreciated, a newbie trying to switch from W764bit to suse11.3 64bit

Virtual Box (Sun Version) Install HowTo

Every time I have install Virtual Box I have had to reboot to load it into the kernnel.

Some times it would not tell me anything about rebooting the computer but after a couple of times trying I got the message to reboot so from then on I would reboot after install.

You can add the repo in yast. Linux_Downloads - VirtualBox This might help you to install it. Look at the bottom of the page for your version.