SUSE 11.1 Realtec nic RTL8111DL not supported

Hello together,

according to my own experience and infos from other forums, the new RTL8111DL network interface is not supported from suse 11.1 as delivered originally .

After installing 11.1 from CD the network manager clamed there is no network interface.

Does anyone know , if meanwhile, there is an rpm package suitable for 11.1 supporting this interface.

If not, does anyone know, if this new nic will be supported from 11.2

Best regards: Mike Sierra

mike sierra wrote:

> according to my own experience and infos from other forums, the new
> RTL8111DL network interface is not supported from suse 11.1 as
> delivered originally .
> After installing 11.1 from CD the network manager clamed there is no
> network interface.

Is it listed with “lspci” command?

> Does anyone know , if meanwhile, there is an rpm package suitable for
> 11.1 supporting this interface.
> If not, does anyone know, if this new nic will be supported from 11.2

If you have any problem with the network card, better fill a bugzilla so
developers can give you any hint. It’s quite rare having a Realtek card not
being supported in kernel.

OTOH, you can test LiveCD for openSUSE 11.2 (no installation needed) and
check if it works from there.



Hello Cameleon,

thanks for your answer !

I could not reply before due to working on customer side. This weekend the nic stopped also working on XP. Same situation… no network adapter known also from XP.

In different forums i could read, that this is a claimed situation from several persons using this brand new realtec. The situation is always the same. Sometimes the network adapter is recogniced from the operating system after bootup and sometimes not.
I asume this new realtec is not really build and tested for the older XP and to new for most of the linux distributions.

I got sad of this and bought an explicite network card from Netgear. Now anything is running fine on XP and on Suse.

Not to forget:

Have a good weekend Cameleon and Good bye!

mike sierra wrote:

> Not to forget:
> Have a good weekend Cameleon and Good bye!

Thanks! :slight_smile:

In regards with your card… yes, it seems there are several reports about
that Realtek chipset having problems for a correct detection under windows
and linux systems.

Not sure if this is something that can be solved by opening a bug report or
just wait for a bios update, as I guess is an embedded network adapter :-?



Thank you for your discussion. The same problem happened to me. It is very helpful to me.

Hello MS, other forum members,

I am also experiencing problems with this.

I received my new PC on Friday 3rd July and installed XP Pro on it and have used that without any problem until I installed SUSE from the liveCD (KDE version) today. Initially, the LiveCD installation could see and use the network card, but following the HD installation, neither XP nor SUSE could see it. A front-panel power-off and BIOS disable/enable of the card failed to cure the problem, and I thought my card was dead.

I carried out a mains switch on/off from the rear panel, and connectivity was restored in XP. As soon as I booted SUSE from the HD, I lost connectivity again.

This is just for information in case anyone else has the problem and becomes concerned that their card is blown - a MAINS power off/on seems to clear it for me for XP (until I attempt to run SUSE).

I’ll see if there is anything on the ASROCK site regarding this.



…Nothing - I couldn’t find any reference to Linux for this model of motherboard at all.
