Suse 11.1 N> StartUp Help

i dowloaded openSuse 11.1 “32 Bit PC”+“LiveCD” :stuck_out_tongue:
i can’t load from my CD, i don’t know default login an password >:(
i think default login is root, but i dont know password, pls help me :’(
Documentation, forum and site,google not help me :sarcastic:

X0ttab6i4 wrote:
> i dowloaded openSuse 11.1 “32 Bit PC”+“LiveCD” :stuck_out_tongue:
> i can’t load from my CD, i don’t know default login an password >:(
> i think default login is root, but i dont know password, pls help me
> :’(
> Documentation, forum and site,google not help me :sarcastic:

are you trying to install? or just RUN the CD?

to run it, just put the CD in the drive and reboot…it should come
up, no password required (i think)…if it does not then maybe your
BIOS is not set to boot from a CD…but, i don’t know how to access
the BIOS on your machine…on mine i hit F2 as soon as i see writing
on the screen…WATCH YOUR SCREEN, maybe yours says hit F2 or Esc or
something else…

The Real Elvis

this is a joke? xDDD
somebody knows the default password ?
any loading LiveCD cersion?!

no, this is not a joke…just to make sure i shutdown my running openSUSE and booted from a 11.1 Gnome Live CD…and was never asked for a password…

in fact, from the time i hit reboot until i was in a fully formed and functioning GUI connected to the internet (am writing this now using the Live CD provided environment) i touched the key board only once, and that was when i had a green screen with a white box in the middle and “Log in as Live CD User” highlighted (i could have selected “Other” but knew better) and all i did was hit Enter…one time…

NO password required! as mentioned earlier

where did you get that Live CD?
is it Gnome or KDE?
KDE3 or KDE4?

did you check the md5sum of the iso prior to burning?
on the first screen of the boot up, when offered to boot from the live cd and other options, did you FIRST go to the Media Check and make sure you had a GOOD CD?

is it booting to a BLACK SCREEN with white letters saying Login?

if it is you have an error either the CD is bad or it is not automatically setting up the graphical environment as it should…AFTER you are sure you have a good CD (check the md5sum) then search this forum using the terms

black screen

you will find LOTs of useful help in overcoming that problem…

You do not need to know the root password as there is some sort of a workaround so that when you need root privileges you just type su in terminal.