I know english a little.
I will try to tell about my problems…
My graphic card must support 3D effect. (Nvidia fx5500 - I used compiz fusion 3D effects before on Pardus8.1 kde3.5) But system says to me it isn’t supports…
I always used kde before this time. I wanted to try gnome now. And Installed suse11.1 gnome…
In Desktop there are 2 icons, which are can’t deleted. I tried to delete them… now I have no acces on my desktop. I can’t crate folder, shortcut or copy something…
Can anybody help me ? the second problem the most important one… Please help
i cant do anything. i entered the permissions and did smtng
i only wanted have full acces on my folders. there were some folders, i can not delete , move… they have a lock on their icon.
now i cant do anything. i created a new user and using it now.
can i have full acces on my files and folders ?
i entered yast and try to fix my problem in security and users
but i couldn’t do