Just downloaded beta 3, it won’t boot in any of the three comps i tried it in. Md5sums match and nero says the burn is good.
When i boot with the cd in the drive the comp goes to grub and then loads from the hard drive. All three of the comps i tried it on have different mother boards and processors, one of them should be compatable.
Has anyone else tried the live cd? I am downloading the dvd now, will try that later.
I installed the 11.1 beta3 DVD 2-hours ago on my Test PC. Its working fine (both KDE-4.1.2 and KDE-3.5.10). I currently have multimedia playing with xine and mplayer (from packman). I have not had the chance yet to test the USB devices (on which I wrote bug reports on 11.1 beta2).
I used zypper ref and zypper dup to update all my packages to beta 3 and I’m playing around now. I’m experiencing the same behavior with dolphin as bug 413772 on bugzilla.
The devs claim that dolphin “works for them” but Dolphin alway opens to the document folder no matter what I do.
Does it recognize your keyboard ? Do you have a USB keyboard? If so, try enabling USB legacy mode in your BIOS.
Sometimes holding a special key (I forget which) during boot of the CD (before grub) helps. I think maybe it is <ALT> or <CTL>, or <SHIFT> or a combination …
Originally Posted by pilotgi View Post
The devs claim that dolphin “works for them” but Dolphin alway opens to the document folder no matter what I do.
Anyone else getting this?
Try Alt-F2 and enter dolphin. If this works then alter your menu entry by taking everything out after dolphin - %U etc.
Worked for me.
I still have a problem with dolphin - it doesn’t show any partitions, mounted or unmounted. They’re in fstab? and I can see them in konqueror (thank god).
I used the run command and got two results. One dolphin icon and one run command icon for dolphin. If I use the dolphin icon, it opens the documents folder. The exe/bin icon opens my home folder.
I used the menu editor to edit the command like the example above but nothing changed.
Edit: Just tried launching the suse menu and typing dolphin into the search field. Dolphin opened my home folder. So I created an applet from the icon that appears when I type dolphin into the search field and added it to my panel. Success.
So if I open dolphin from the list in my favorites menu, it opens Documents. If I launch it from the applet, it opens my home directory.
This PM I did a clean install of 11.1B3 x86-64, loaded the repos & stuffed it with S/W. So far every thing seems to be working; I haven’t checked my scanner yet nor installed the Nvidia OEM driver or VirtualBox – tomorrow.
It detected my HP PSC all-in-one printer; I had to help the setup.
eth1 is up, but I have to re-config it to static.
Used a combo of 11.0 rpms (Kaffeine & non-oss) and Packman & have all the video goodies working.
Well pleased with the clean install; I don’t have all those broken configs held over from all my updates & messing around.
I just installed the w32 codecs from Packman in Beta 3. The codecs didn’t get installed in /browser-plugins like they usually do. I have /usr/lib/win32 and a sym link /usr/lib/codecs to /win32.
Do I need to copy the contents of /usr/lib/codecs to /usr/lib/browser-plugins or do I do a sym-link?