SuSE 11.0 thoughts?

I’d like to hear what people think of v11.0 of opensuse.
Is it full of problems? I remember 10.0 had some issues when it came out… so did 10.1

Anyway, what’s the verdict? Good? Bad?

Thread moved to Soapbox

(could have gone to Surveys/Polls, but I figure the commentary that will ensue will land it here eventually.) :slight_smile:

Hi outsider,

Not to cut you off, but there are many posts on this you can find in the Soapbox category.

a couple of interest :
OpenSUSE 11 - First Impressions - openSUSE Forums
Last 65,- spent - openSUSE Forums
First Impressions after Installation of openSUSE 11.0 - openSUSE Forums

Quick summary : KDE 4.0 is not the best choice and seems the source for most ‘complaints’.
