Dear Friends,
I had laptop in that windowsxp is there that os has been crashed. now i have to take the backup of my drive those drives or in ntfs parttion. If i use suse 11.0 live cd to boot it support NTFS partion or not can any one help on this.
I take it you want to copy the files from your windows partition to an external device or a dvd??
You should be able to do it, but you may have to mount it manually, often a recommended distro for this sort of thing is knoppix.
I want to take a backup to USB HDD
Hi, I think the liveCD can mount your nfts volume. If it does not mount automatically you can mount the volume via commandline.
In a terminal become root and type “fdisk -l” to find your windows partion. Should be /dev/something.
As you need a mountpoint for that volume, you’ll have to create a directory. E.g. “md windisk”
Then mount the volume to your mountpoint
mount -t ntfs /dev/something /windisk
To mount an ntfs volume writeable type
mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/something /windisk
That should mount your windows volume readonly. If you want to backup your windows partition using dd, here’s a nice link: Linux Commando: Show progress during dd copy
Dear my friend i boot my system
if i type fdsik -l
its showing error
you need to be root to run fdisk
I have never tried it with the suse live cd
but Mepis has a root login on it’s live cd’s
for a user
for a root login
You can do anything from here
as mentioned earlier: knoppix is another option
If it shows “command not found” you’ll have to become root. Type “su” first and then enter a password when you are asked for it. Then it should work.
thank you, supertimorplusfort.
it’s working
i’d like to repeat your explanation for others benefits, because you missed one step
01 run the terminal.
you can do that by pressing Alt+F2 then type terminal in the box and press return (enter).
02 you need to switch to supper user
type following then hit enter:
03 go to root directory
type following then hit enter:
cd /
**04 make a windows directory (you can name it whatever you like) **
let’s say “windisk” as supertimorplusfort suggested. you can do this by typing the following then hit enter:
md windisk
05 chick your partition list to find your partition names
type following then hit enter:
fdisk -l
06 mount your ntfs partition
type following then hit enter:
mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /windisk
where “sda1” is my partition’s name, replace it by your partition’s.
now you can brows your file from konqueror
good luck