Suppressing Core Dumps

I have accounting software that has run on openSUSE since 2002, up to and including Leap 42.3. It causes a core dump on Leap15.0. Thanks to nrickert I have it running in a VM on 42.3 so the panic is averted over the end of life of 42.3.

I have found that the software will run under valgrind in Leap15.0, valgrind shows 3 suppressed errors. On Leap42.3 valgrind shows 3 errors, none suppressed.
My interpretation of this is that Leap15.0 has stricter error trapping or less leniency towards errors. Is there some way to adjust this sensitivity in Leap15, is this even the correct forum to discuss this.

Further to this, I notice that Leap 42.3 has the file /usr/lib/sysctl.d/50-coredump.conf but Leap 15.0 does not, so does Leap 15.0 use some other mechanism for control.