Sun Java 1.5 on openSUSE 11.2

I know that Sun Java 1.5 was dropped from the 11.2 distro, and albeit sad, I can understand it.

Unfortunately, I need it to run an older version of WebLogic, which doesn’t run on 1.6.

Here’s my question: I already have the distro’s Java 1.6 installed, and I downloaded the RPM from the Sun’s site directly.

Before I pull the trigger on installing this - can anyone advise if this will wreck my existing 1.6 install? I want to use 1.5 and 1.6 side by side…?

In other words: has anyone got the distro’s Sun Java 1.6 running side-by-side with the Java 1.5 as downloaded from the Sun site?

OK - since nobody responded, I created a VM and tried it out: it’s painless, the Sun 1.5 RPM installs itself in /usr/java, so it does not impact the repos Java installations.

You can switch between java versions with help of update-alternatives(8). There is good post:script to add vanilla sun jdk to alternatives - openSUSE Forums