Suitable editor for .bib files to use with Kile under Gnome

That’s probably a confusing title, and I am certainly confused. I’ve been using KBibTeX to manage bibliography (.bib) files under Gnome in openSUSE 11.2 and 11.3 (running outside Kile). What is the simplest way to carry on under openSUSE 11.4? YaST does not find KBibTeX, and the site 

does not mention openSUSE. Thanks, jdw

A google search seems to suggest that kbibtex is part of KDE3.

A “.bib” file is just an ordinary text file. You should be able to use any text editor. I just use “vi” (really “vim”).

On 08/06/2011 02:56 PM, j1d1w1 wrote:
> That’s probably a confusing title, and I am certainly confused. I’ve
> been using KBibTeX to manage bibliography (.bib) files under Gnome in
> openSUSE 11.2 and 11.3 (running outside Kile). What is the simplest way
> to carry on under openSUSE 11.4? YaST does not find KBibTeX, and the
> site
> does not
> mention openSUSE. Thanks, jdw

KBibTeX is packaged for openSUSE 11.4. I have mine from the “KDE: Extra:
Release 47” repo:


Any text editor that does syntax highlighting will work well as a BibTeX editor; I have always used Kate, most of which will already be on your system because Kile uses the Kate kparts for its editing functions.

Thanks to all who replied. I have in the meantime installed “Pybibliographic Bibliography Manager,” and I’ll give that a whirl – it seems to do everything I need, and loads my (single, large) .bib file much more rapidly than did KBibtex. I appreciate the tips, and may go back to KBibTex eventually. John W