Suggestion: Right-click within the directory and choose "Open in Terminal"


Nice when you right click a directory and choose “open in terminal” option for slowroll
nowdays you need to search the folder and write all its name, etc

thank you

If you are using the Plasma edition of OpenSUSE Slowroll. In Dolphin you can use the default keybind: Control + Shift + f4 to open the current directory inside Konsole.

It is important to provide at least basic informations. Which desktop environment?

@TacosDePapaya For Dolphin in Plasma, there is still the “open in Terminal” in the right click menu.

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it’s just SHIFT + F4

Yes, you are right, is already in actions submenu option

I got the keybind directly from Dolphin. I also tested this and it works :upside_down_face: . Guess Alt is not needed at all lol.

OK I had to double check since you wrote CTRL + SHIFT +F4 not ALT

SHIFT + F4 = opens terminal in current folder
SHIFT + ALT + F4 = open terminal in selected folder

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You are absolutely right. I cannot edit my answer any longer to correct my mistake though. It’s ALT instead of control.

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I am still wondering on what aspect of the forums you are posting a feed back.

It seems that all the others that participate here do understand it. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It definitely doesn’t belong in ‘Forums Feedback’. I’ll move it to ‘Applications’.

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