i had the same problem but with persian language (az you know its jointed like arabic)
for solving this
1 you should have the most recent version of mplayer from packman repository (or compile it from svn yourself ,my favorite and most robust way cause packman sometimes gives uncompleted or crippled rpms (like wx))
2 download latest and compile and install this package from its author site : fribidi ( a bidirectional package for unix systems)
version 0.19
here is the link : http://fribidi.org/download/fribidi-0.19.1.tar.gz
the version installed in opensuse 11.1 is old (0.10)
download http://fribidi.org/download/fribidi-0.19.1.tar.gz
then extract it in your home folder (you do know how to extract ? nothing complicated ,just extrect it with ark or file roller )
1 open a terminal (konsole )
2 cd to the director of fribidi extracted, like :> cd ~/fribidi-0.19.1
2 type and enter this command : “./configure” without the " signs and after it has completed type and enter this “make” after that type and enter “su” then enter your root password then type and enter “make install”
3 this should have installed fribidi new version on your system. try with this command “fribidi -V” (with capital V) it should say its version to be 0.19…
if it says that, it was successful .
4 restart your system for good measure so that the new library is loaded (i dont know if this is necessary but better be safe)
4 you’r done