Sudo zypper dup Vs sudo zypper up Vs YaST 2 online-upgrade→all packages→upgrade if newer version is available

My usual way of updating my system is the YaST one. However, I thought these 3 ways of updating my system (Tumbleweed) were kind of equivalent, but dry-runs have shown me that the first 2 asked for the suppression of many packages (and that scared me so I did not execute the command). Especially sudo zypper dup.

So in which case is which process supposedly best?


As is posted on many, many posts here on the forum and is also documented in Tumbleweed documentation, because every new Tumbleweed snapshot is a new distribution, one should update Tumbleed only with zypper dup .


As hcvv’s response implied, one doesn’t “update” TW. Instead, TW gets “upgraded”. Zypper dup is shorthand for zypper dist-upgrade.

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Understood. So I should completely stop using YaST 2 online update?

When you really understood what we said, you should know by now that you never should have used it.

Yep. Running the upgrade comes with some fine print: openSUSE:Migrate Leap to Tumbleweed - openSUSE Wiki

Users may want to run the upgrade as a system service: Tumbleweed zypper dist-upgrade as a systemd service - openSUSE Wiki


Only use:
zypper -vv dup


Ok then. Just to check, anyone disagrees with him/her/them?

Do you have some particular reason to want every reader of this thread provide his own personal confirmation? A number of us have been around since before there was any Tumbleweed. I’m pretty sure all such ultimately use zypper dup in TW and Slowroll.

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Ok. No, not everyone, I just wanted to see the first reactions to this comment, in case anyone would strongly disagree.

Your comment is enough to me, I’ll use that in the future.