Sudo root permissions

How do I fix this?

chkstat --system --set
Checking permissions and ownerships - using the permissions files
setting /usr/bin/sudo to root:root 4755. (wrong permissions 6755)
/usr/bin/sudo: chmod: Operation not permitted
ERROR: not all operations were successful.

Run it as root, not as user.

AFAICS, sudo should work with the permissions it has, so try:

sudo chkstat --system --set

If that doesn’t work, switch to root via “su -” or login as root.

sudo chkstat --system --set
root's password:
Checking permissions and ownerships - using the permissions files
setting /usr/bin/sudo to root:root 4755. (wrong permissions 6755)

as “su” doesn’t return anything

# chkstat --system --set

If it doesn’t return anything, it probably worked.

What does “ls -l /usr/bin/sudo” show now?
Does “sudo chkstat --system --set” still spit out error messages?

ls -l /usr/bin/sudo
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 155112 Oct  8  2014 /usr/bin/sudo

sudo chkstat --system --set did not return anything but isn’t it supposed to show you the permissions something like this

Checking permissions and ownerships - using the permissions files

Looks ok now.

sudo chkstat --system --set did not return anything

Well, that proves that it worked… :wink:

Ok thanks for your help.