Sudden "unsigned repository" error

Since a couple days I am seeing “usigned repomd.xml” errors from two (third-party) repositories: one is for the GeoGebra software, the other for Beyond Compare.
The strange thing is that I have the correct GPG keys installed (I checked on their sites), and there have not been recent changes in their repos.

I ended up deleting GeoGebra and removing their repo, as I am not using that software anymore.

The situation is different For Beyond Compare: I use the software and I’d like to keep their repo installed as it is a nice way of keeping their software up to date.

I had similar errors in the past, when I experienced corruption of the RPM db. However this time the RPM db seems perfectly sane: I have run rpmdb --rebuilddb with no errors. I have also run rpmdb_verify against the “Packages” file in /var/rpm/lib with no errors.

This is the error I am getting:

  polarisuse  **cris ** **~ ** LANG=C sudo zypper ref 18
Retrieving repository 'Scooter Software' metadata ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\]
Warning: File 'repomd.xml' from repository 'Scooter Software' is unsigned.

    Note: Signing data enables the recipient to verify that no modifications occurred after the data
    were signed. Accepting data with no, wrong or unknown signature can lead to a corrupted system
    and in extreme cases even to a system compromise.

    Note: File 'repomd.xml' is the repositories master index file. It ensures the integrity of the
    whole repo.

    Warning: We can't verify that no one meddled with this file, so it might not be trustworthy
    anymore! You should not continue unless you know it's safe.

**File 'repomd.xml' from repository 'Scooter Software' is unsigned, continue? [yes/no] (no):**
Retrieving repository 'Scooter Software' metadata ....................................................................................................................................[error]
Repository 'Scooter Software' is invalid.
[scootersoftware|] Valid metadata not found at specified URL
Please check if the URIs defined for this repository are pointing to a valid repository.
Skipping repository 'Scooter Software' because of the above error.
Could not refresh the repositories because of errors.

And here are the details of the repo:

  polarisuse  **cris ** **~ ** LANG=C sudo zypper lr -d 18
Alias          : scootersoftware
Name           : Scooter Software
URI            :
Enabled        : Yes
GPG Check      : ( p) Yes
Priority       : 99 (default priority)
Autorefresh    : On
Keep Packages  : Off
Type           : rpm-md
GPG Key URI    :
Path Prefix    :
Parent Service :
Keywords       : ---
Repo Info Path : /etc/zypp/repos.d/scootersoftware.repo
MD Cache Path  : /var/cache/zypp/raw/scootersoftware

Does anybody have any idea of what is going on here?

Thank you in advance

Hard to say, maybe they haven’t updated their encryption libraries while you have on your machine.

One try is to remove(or disable) existing problem repositories, then add them again using the “auto accept” option instead of configuring the gpg keys manually.

I list this useful and easy way to add repos in my Wiki