Hi folks, I was running openSuse Leap and suddenly after zypper refresh && zypper update I noted a huge number of patches, but didn’t check carefully. Afterwards, I am suddenly on the Tumbleweed branch:
~$ uname -a
Linux linux-2ely 4.14.9-1-default #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Dec 25 15:42:48 UTC 2017 (9423ca2) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Apart from the problem that I would rather have a Leap system, it is somehow in an inconsistent state now. For example, when I run zypper, it outputs help:
There is no “Tumbleweed branch”, Tumbleweed is a completely independent distribution.
That likely happened because you added the main Tumbleweed repo to your system somehow, maybe by clicking on a 1-click install for Tumbleweed and accepting to add the repos.
zypper refresh
zypper: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/libproxy.so.1: undefined symbol: _ZN9libmodman14module_manager8load_dirENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEb
Common problem if you mix Leap with Tumbleweed.
Install the libmodman package from Tumbleweed to get zypper working again, this command should do:
Then you have to decide whether to stay on Tumbleweed or rather go back to Leap.
Either way, please post your repo list afterwards for further help:
zypper lr -d
Alternatively, boot from the Leap or Tumbleweed DVD (depending on what you prefer) and do an “Upgrade” to fix your system.
But also in that case you’d probably need to adjust your repos afterwards.
Ok, thanks guys. I removed the Tumbleweed repo as suggested by hcvv and installed libmodman as suggested by wolfi. However, the zypper dup command still does not work:
$ sudo zypper dup --from 5 [sudo] password for root: zypper: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/libproxy.so.1: undefined symbol: _ZN9libmodman14module_manager8load_dirENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEb
I then decided to perform a clean new installation. However, to that end I would need imagewriter to write an iso image to a usb disk. So I would need to install imagewriter:
Thanks to all of you for your help. I figured I should upgrade anyway soon and did a fresh install of Leap 42.3. Probably the most convenient way anyway…