Substitute for KDE's ark?

Hi guys!

Does anybody know a reliable substitute to ark?

File-roller is a good program, but unfortunately you have to install the whole gnome for getting it.

I’m looking around for one, but came out with nothing yet. :frowning:

actually file roller can be installed without needing the whole gnome DE in openSUSE

rar / unrar should do, zip,…

I think he is asking about GUI’s though

Yast actually selects the Gnome desktop as requirement.
(I’m asking for a GUI based program.) Yes :slight_smile:

Denny87 wrote:

> Hi guys!
> Does anybody know a reliable substitute to ark?
> File-roller is a good program, but unfortunately
you have to install
> the whole gnome for getting it.
> I’m looking around for one, but came out with
nothing yet. :frowning:
xarchiver or peazip, in repos but not qt or kde4

openSuse 11.32 x64bit, KDE4.3.3, Opera weekly

Gnome desktop is not the full gnome DE actually, its actually a small amount of files you need to run some Gnome apps.
I have it and gnome is not installed on my machine.

In kde4 community
Index of /repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/Community/openSUSE_11.2_KDE_43

You would need to check the other kde4 community to match your install if your not using 43

aku - RAR GUI application for KDE4

There’s Q7Z which uses P7zip. I’ve used this for all kinds of archives like .zip .rar and .tar. It’s worth a look. It’s in the Packman repo.

Take Care,
