Subpixel hinting on KDE4-Available now!

This is for all who’ve waited for subpixel hinting on KDE4 (just like me…:slight_smile: ). Opensuse has fixed the Qt4 bug that enabled subpixel hinting only at runtime. The latest Qt4 files are available at :-

I’ve now switched over from 3.5.9 and running an update for KDE 4.1 The screenshot of my desktop is at:-
Image Sharing

It installs the x11-qt4 rpm that enables subpixel hinting. I did install the freetype2 packages from repo. Refer to this fixed bug for more details:-


The link you pasted is incorrect, it is only fixed in the KDE:Qt44 repository. Furthermore, the KDE:Qt45 repository is not recommended for daily use.

Firstly…many thanks for fixing this bug!

Yes, the BS repos are not recommended for daily use…and I have a 4.1 and 3.5.9 installed side-by-side. Now you mention that it was fixed in the Qt44 repo…but I installed it directly from the 4.5 repo and took a chance with the Factory version. It did work successfully though.

I’ll revert back to the Qt44 repo and try it from there instead. I do see updated packages for today.


In GNOME, we need to use a cairo package that make freetype2 subpixel working with it, I found one in fedora forum works with me, thanks to Anshul.
/dev/loki: Freetype2 packages with subpixel hinting

But it still not working with firefox 3 :rolleyes:
I think we need to build firefox with --enable-system-cairo
Subpixel font hinting in Firefox 3.0 b3 - Ubuntu Forums
Could someone try to do it please?

I added the Qt44 repository, updated logged out and logged back in and my desktop was locked up tighter then a rednecks ass on Gay pride day. rotfl!

Removed the repo and am reverting back now.