Sublime text permissions

hi to all
I’m new to the forum and my name is Luigi
I state that I understand little of the linux system and am using openSuse Leap 15.1 on vmware
everything was successfully installed and I added sublime text and wampp
the problem is with sublime text permissions
I can’t save the documents to the / opt / lampp / htdocs folder
tells me that I don’t have the permissions and everything is denied
please how can I fix it

I assume you are working as a “normal” user. And such a user has no permission to change/add/alter things in the “system” part of thedirectory tree. That is one of the most important security features Unix/Linux has.

Only the Superuser is able to do this. Superuser is a nickname for the user with UID 0, better known as root.

You are probably not only the “normal” user, but also the system manager/maintainer/aministrator of the system. In that case you know the root password and thus can run things as root. But beware, as root it is easy to bork your system! Restrict yourself to doing as root only what can not be done otherwise, e.g. never log in in the GUI as root.

This might be of interest:

Thanks for the reply
you are right to say that I am the only user with root password.
I read the link guide that you proposed to me and, for example, I tried to do ‘Alt + F2’ and typed ‘kdesu Sublime Text’ but replied that it is impossible to execute the ‘Sublime Text’ command, furthermore I wonder if other programs ask you if you want to perform certain actions as root, isn’t there a way to do the same thing with this or another program?

I know nothing about that product Sublime Text, but I doubt the executable program is called like that.

As said, you should do only as root what is strictly needed. I do not think editing (is Sublime Text an editor?) belongs to that. Thus you edit a file in your own environment. And use only root to install it in the correct place.

il problema è che non so come farlo. Esiste un solo utente (io) con privilegi di root, forse potresti anche fare quello che voglio se potessi entrare e quindi modificare le autorizzazioni. Vedi immagine

wow i’m not a top with linux but i solved it.I accessed the file manager as a super user and changed the permissions.thanks bye. wow i’m not a top with linux but i solved it.I accessed the file manager as a super user and changed the permissions.thanks bye

Personally, I don’t “kdesu” or gnomesu or whatever…
I just open an elevated console and then launch my app from that console, and I just checked…
This works for sublime-text as well.

Open a root console


Then launch sublime-text


And now you have sublime-text running with root permissions.

I noticed you’re also pointing to an unsual web root…
If you’re running apache, I recommend you set up with the YaST module (yast2-http)
and typically unless you have a special reason to do wotherwise just use the default webroot


You should also know that I don’t really know anyone who develops their code pointing to an apache webserver unless there is a special reason to do so.

Depending on the lanugage you’re coding Developers I know launch a small sebserver on demand to test their code, eg
If you’re developing html using juavascript, launch a nodejs webserver
If you’re codeing ruby, then launch a ruby webserver.

The advantage to launching any of these webservers is that they can be luanched on demand and to any location, and often can automatically update when you push new code without restarting the website.


thank you for your precious info.
good day

That is fine.

But please try to inform yourself as soon as possible about the basic aspects of Unix/Linux like that it is a multi-user/multi-session operating system. Ownership by user/group of files and the permission bits and what they mean in practical life (e.g. you should be fully aware of the function of thye x-bit for directories). Not only by having a casual read, but by real understanding it.

That is already difficult and a steep learning curve enough when you are using your system as a “normal” user, but starting from the beginning with typicaly management areas like web servers, etc. might take some more study/testing/struggling.

Wishing success and do not hesitate to ask on the forums.