Hello together,
could someone please explain the structure of the project meta of the SUSE distributions? For example SUSE:SLE-15:GA (Please correct me if I’m wrong with my assumptions).
<repository name=“standard”>
<path project=“SUSE:SLE-15:GA” repository=“SLE module base system”/> …
looks like all other repositories of this project will be merged. right?
<repository name=“SLES”
<download arch=“x86_64” url="http://suse-sle-mirror/im …
a repository with a (suse internal) DoD-Repo… right?
But what about <repository name=“pool”> - what’s that for?
When I mirror the project into my local OBS instance, this repo has all RPMs of the whole project - at least it looks like it.
What is the structure of the directory /srv/obs/build/… for this project? Which repository now has binaries in the directories?
I would like to have various projects available locally so I don’t depend on a remote obs. But this will be a topic for a separate thread.
With this thread I only want to understand the structure of the meta data.
Thanks for your explanations.
Greetings André