structure of the project meta of the SUSE distributions

Hello together,

could someone please explain the structure of the project meta of the SUSE distributions? For example SUSE:SLE-15:GA (Please correct me if I’m wrong with my assumptions).

<repository name=“standard”>
<path project=“SUSE:SLE-15:GA” repository=“SLE module base system”/> …

looks like all other repositories of this project will be merged. right?

<repository name=“SLES”
<download arch=“x86_64” url="http://suse-sle-mirror/im

a repository with a (suse internal) DoD-Repo… right?

But what about <repository name=“pool”> - what’s that for?
When I mirror the project into my local OBS instance, this repo has all RPMs of the whole project - at least it looks like it.
What is the structure of the directory /srv/obs/build/… for this project? Which repository now has binaries in the directories?

I would like to have various projects available locally so I don’t depend on a remote obs. But this will be a topic for a separate thread.
With this thread I only want to understand the structure of the meta data.
Thanks for your explanations.

Greetings André

Hi and welcome to the Forum :slight_smile:
Well SUSE is the Enterprise Version (SLE), which is subscription ($$) based and the structure is a little different with respect to access. The ‘Pool’ is the packages on the ISO image, then there are modules that can be added for access to certain features. Now, there is SUSE Package Hub which is built against SLE Backports, this repository should contain packages needed to build and probably better to build against to provide SLE packages on your local instance.