strangest kde login problem i've ever experienced (Opensuse 11.3 | kde 4.5)

I’m not a linux newbie but i don’t know how to explain the following problem

I was working on my regular user account - lets say logged as my_user in KDE. The laptop froze so i had to powerdown and start again.
From now on i Could not log to kde using my account.
~/.xsession-errors was saying

"kded(7357): Communication problem with  "kded" , it probably crashed.                                                                                                               

Error message was:  "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown" : " "The name org.kde.kded was not provided by any .service files" "                                                
<unknown program name>(7355)/ KStartupInfo::createNewStartupId: creating:  ";1284468493;915603;7355_TIME0" : "unnamed app"                                           
startkde: Shutting down...                                                                                                                                                          
klauncher: Exiting on signal 1"

Logging in as root worked fine.
I created another user my_new_user and was able to log in with no problems.

so i decided to delet my_user acount together with the /home/my_user and create the same user again with brand new settings.
This does not work although the whole home directory is the brand new.

Deleting your whole home directory may have removed required files. Just removing ~/.kde4 may have worked.

Delete the old user account and then recreate it in Yast so the basic stub account info is there. At least that is what I’d do.

as You can read I already did remove the whole home directory and recreated the user and it did not work

so deleting just ~/kde4 will have even less effect :slight_smile:

Notice I said may have it is mute now.

But did you actually remove and recreate the origianl account?

have you done a reboot after deleting your user? Please do that before creating the new user!

Nope i did not reboot - so it may be related with this as after 2 days i finally figured out that
chown -R my_user /home/my_user worked

i’m surprised as i was sure Yast is supposed to do that because it asks if i want to change the owner of the directory when i’m creating a user with the name that already exists in /home/

No at least not the way you did it. Also the OS uses the UID number to identify the user not the login name. That is just used to lookup the UID. But a home directory is based on the user name with permissions based on the UID. Everything need to agree.

If you had simply gone in Yast and deleted the user account things would have worked better or when creating the new user account you had used the old UID.