First time trying out Open Suse. Almost up and running without issues but experiencing some strange behavior with bash tab-completion. For many commands it functions as expected. so I can cat /et[tab]/cryp[tab] to get “cat /etc/crypttab”.
With other commands, tab-completion only works partly. When I write cryptsetup open /dev/md/arcoframe:0, the normal behavour should be that I can tab-complete /dev/md/arcoframe:0, but this don’t work. Even if I am in dev/md/ and try tab-completing arcoframe:0, nothing happens.
Hi and welcome to the Forum
I you try only part of the string eg arco<tab> I would expect to see it is escaped, eg arcoframe:0? What shell are you using?
I read an OS wiki and found my mistake. If I write “cryptsetup luksOpen”, tab-completion works. From Arch I was used to “cryptsetup open”, but this does not work at all here.
On Wed, 01 May 2019 14:16:03 +0000, ronanoon wrote:
> Thanks:)
> I read an OS wiki and found my mistake. If I write “cryptsetup
> luksOpen”, tab-completion works. From Arch I was used to “cryptsetup
> open”, but this does not work at all here.
There’s probably a bash-completion configuration in Arch that adds some
intelligence to tab completion for cryptsetup.