Strange resolutions

I’m getting strange dimensions for my screen resolutions apparently I’m running 1600x1200 right now but I really don’t think thats the case and when I try to run at 1280x1024 it looks more like 640x480. I could be wrong though does this look like 1600x1200?

  • chuckkilly,

looks fine to me, might be the large fonts making you think it is a low resolution.


On Tue, 19 Aug 2008 14:36:02 GMT
chuckkilly <> wrote:

> I’m getting strange dimensions for my screen resolutions apparently I’m
> running 1600x1200 right now but I really don’t think thats the case and
> when I try to run at 1280x1024 it looks more like 640x480. I could be
> wrong though does this look like 1600x1200?[image:

{Chuckle} The image itself is 1600x1200… so unless you did something
special, your desktop is 1600x1200. Looks nice.

Of course, it could just be a blown up photo of 640x480 with teeny fonts…
or a shrunk down 4800x3600 with giant fonts… or… or…


Looks good to me!


L R Nix

alright good at least I know nothing is wrong with it
it just felt like I was looking at a 1280x1024 resolution for some reason

chuckkilly wrote:
> alright good at least I know nothing is wrong with it
> it just felt like I was looking at a 1280x1024 resolution for some
> reason

xdpyinfo | grep dimensions