Strange problem with packman repository

When I’ve installed 11.2 I enabled packman through Yast → Software repositories → New → Community repositories.
Since a couple of weeks, though, I noticed that there were no updates from packman. Today I visited the packman’s main website
PackMan :: home
and find that they build the qt front end for peazip, so I went to yast to install and test it… but yast did not find it!
Looking on my repo list I find that packman points to
Index of /pub/packman/suse/11.2
at that address the package is not present. In fact, the packages there were last updated on February 24!
If I click on any “mirror” here
Repositorios adicionales para YaST - openSUSE
the package is present.
Any idea why this happens? How can I fix this? (no zypper commands, if possible :wink: )

I changed mirror (now I’m using this one: Index of /pub/linux/misc/packman/suse/11.2).
Is there a way to let them know that the other mirror is not working?

PackMan :: Dokumentation