strange problem when booting into windows 7 with opensuse dual boot

I have a dual boot set up with leap 42.1 and windows 7. I am able to boot into both operating systems, but I have a problem with windows 7. When I restart or do a cold boot when I’ve previously been using leap and I select the windows boot loader from the grub2 menu, windows starts to load for a second and then the computer restarts. When I again select the windows boot loader in grub2, I see the ‘Windows Error Recovery’ screen, select ‘Start Windows Normally’, and windows loads with no problem. If I then (after successfully loading windows) restart and again select the windows boot loader in grub2, windows loads with no problem.

I don’t have a similar problem with leap; it always loads fine. Has anyone seen anything like this and does anyone know how I might fix it?


I don’t know if this is the issue. But I suggest that you turn off “fast boot” in Windows.

Otherwise, Windows does not cleanly shutdown the file system. And then, if you access it from opensuse, that might cause some corruption.

I have both ‘Secure Boot Control’ and ‘Fast BIOS Mode’ set to off.

Are all using the same boot method? Either all EFI or all MBR.

Okay. I’ll put that down to a miscommunication.

I was not referring to BIOS fast boot, but to Windows fast boot. It’s a Windows setting. But maybe that started with Windows 8, so might not apply to your Windows 7.

Another possibility is that you have failing hardware. Perhaps the hard drive is slow to spin up, and Windows has errors in its initial attempts to access it.

They’re both EFI.

Yeah, I don’t think windows 7 has that feature. As far as the possibility of a hardware problem, the computer is new and it only has an SSD.

Check the Windows Error Recovery log and read what was found 'n fixed.

Hey I finally hit 1200 posts.

It seems I’m unable to run startup repair. When I select it in the windows error recovery screen, it shows “Loading Windows Files…” for a few seconds, then returns to the error recovery screen. It also fails when I try to run it from the installation usb. Odd. I don’t seem to be having any other problems with windows. I guess I can live with it if it’s not doing any damage to my computer.

Sounds to me that you have “secure boot” enabled which likely enforces a full boot sequence(both Windows and openSUSE).
Try disabling.


Secure boot is disabled.