A few days ago, when I logged in, I was very surprised to see the Konqueror browser pop up behind the Ahoy this is openSUSE panel.
I don’t even use Konqueror much, I have it loaded as one of several browsers I generally use only to test websites.
Naturally when I saw it start, I checked the settings to see if it had somehow gotten into the list of things that should Autostart at login. But it’s not there.
Even though I didn’t think it would cause the browser to pop up after login, I also tried to check to see if somehow it thought it had open pages the last time it ran and was somehow interrupted. I checked in
$HOME/.local/share/konqueror and found a file “closeditems_saved” . The file seemingly contained a list of several windows and their attributes. So I emptied the file.
Even though I make a point of closing the browser window, the thing still pops up the next time I login.
I’d appreciate it if anyone who has some thoughts that might help solve the problem, would share them with me.