Strange name resolution issues

I’m pulling my hair out on this one, I’m no suse expert but this is getting the better of me…

dig and nslookup will resolve dns - ping, wget and other apps won’t…

openSUSE 11.2 (i586)
VERSION = 11.2

  • I’ve used Yast2 to configure networking services and DNS.
  • resolve.conf has been correctly populated with my dns servers
  • ipv6 has been disabled (at least I think so, disabled in Yast and I’ve no ip6 addresses associated with my nics when I do ifconfig)
  • I can successfully resolve addresses if I use dig or nslookup, so no firewall or routing issues.

Ping or wget cannot resolve addresses - neither can sendmail or Yast online updates for example.

I have managed to run an online update by adding a repository to the host file and rerunning the online update just to make sure I have latest packages…

Any ideas as to why ping/wget can’t resolve dns whilst dig/nslookup can?

thanks in advance

  • resolve.conf has been correctly populated with my dns servers

Hello gmcco, welcome to the forums.

I have a hard time believing in what you said. The file would be /etc/resolv.conf but I think this is a typo. Can you show some hard facts? What is the result of:

cat /etc/resolv.conf | sed -e "/^#/d"

Please show the output of the following commands as well:

/sbin/route -n

This should greatly increase your chances that somebody spots the problem.

well… I found the answer to this on my own … should have waited 5 mins more…

I substituted my dns servers with googles dns server and it works … must be something to do with recursion.

first time I’ve come across this issue and my ubuntu boxes didn’t cause me this much hassle…

hope this helps some other lost soul.

This explains the behaviour you saw, because dig will do the recursion, even if you point to a DNS server which does not. Was this your own local DNS server or a server of your ISP?

was 2 isp supplied servers.

I ran around in circles for a while…

Bad luck in this case. ISP supplied servers should do recursive lookups. I’m glad you solved this problem.