Strange local domain BIND problems

A few days ago my DNS servers, which I have sole control over and are not on the public internet, suddenly started denying DNS resolution for names that are within my local domain. They are running on old SUSE 9.2 machines. When this started to occur, I had no problem getting DNS for hosts outside my domain. I took down all the Windows machines on my network, thinking maybe one of them had a virus, but I still had the same problem. I disconnected the wireless, but still had the same problem. The named logs on my two DNS servers appeared to be getting the requests for all DNS requests, and I didn’t see a discernible difference between requests that passed and requests that failed. The only thing I saw was “Name or service not known” error messages when trying to slogin to different machines on the network.

Anyone have any idea at all why all of a sudden the DNS servers would stop returning IPs for my local domain?

I “solved” the problem by putting /etc/hosts files containing all the local machines on each machine, but I’ve been running for years without having to do that and can’t understand why all of a sudden I have to do it now. The problem isn’t technically solved because my thunderbird and evolution email clients are not agreeing with this change.



Is it by any chance a BIND9 + DHCP ?

I got this type of situation from time to time (on SLES 9) when the lease files get corrupted (beats me why this happens - maybe a miss-comunication between bind and dhcpd).

To solve this I stop the services, delete the lease file and the dynamic records in bind file and restart the services. The fresh lease file is created and the records are created.

Hope this helps.


Thanks for the reply. It could be DHCP + BIND, since I do have both on this server. I have found the DHCP lease files in /var/lib/dhcp/db and deleted them, but I’m not sure where the dynamic records in bind file is. Can you tell me where that file would be?


On Tue May 25 2010 03:16 pm, siersmak wrote:

> Thanks for the reply. It could be DHCP + BIND, since I do have both on
> this server. I have found the DHCP lease files in /var/lib/dhcp/db and
> deleted them, but I’m not sure where the dynamic records in bind file
> is. Can you tell me where that file would be?
> Thanks,
> -Ken
By default they are in:
Since bind runs chroot in /var/lib/named, there is a second copy. The .jnl
files are the journals.

P. V.
“We’re all in this together, I’m pulling for you.” Red Green


Sorry for later reply, it seems you got the answer from venzkep though.

The names of the files you did set yourself when you configured named.

I delete the .jnl files as well when this happens since they will be re-created after services are restarted.

Be extra careful when editing the dyn/ named files.

I hope this solution helped.


Thank you ghostintheruins and venzkep. Unfortunately this doesn’t appear to solve my problem. There were not any files in /var/lib/named/dyn to delete. I may have setup named to put them in a non-standard location, I’m not sure. I don’t see reference to these files in the named configuration files, but maybe I’m just not looking in the right place.

You may need to snoop on the DNS requests and replies and see what they actually contain. Wireshark can do this.

All wireshark tells me is:

No.     Time        Source                 Destination         Protocol Info
262     27.940210       DNS      Standard query A
263     27.940313      DNS      Standard query response, Server failure

which doesn’t seem all that useful, I mean I already knew that, just not sure why.

You can ask for more details on the reply packet from wireshark, and dive into the contents of the packet.

Hello there,

You will have to look into your named.conf (/etc/named.conf)

The lines:

options {
 # The directory statement defines the name server's working directory

        **directory "/var/lib/named"**;

This tells you what’s the working directory of your named.

And than from the zones sections in named.conf, e.g.:

zone "" in {
        **file "dyn/";**
        type master;

The file statement should tell you the location of the zone file. Notice that in this case the location is relative to named’s working directory - no trailing “/” before dyn, so the file location is indeed: /var/lib/named/dyn/

Or you can do a file search for .jnl, e.g.:
#locate .jnl

Also see whats the response in wireshark but the response you get its the RFC standard for “something is wrong with the dns server”.

Turning logging on in named.conf could be also useful: DNS BIND logging Clause

Are there no messages for named errors in /var/log/messages ?
