I’m getting some weird problems lately with Java apps (random hangs, apps
don’t load reliably, etc.). A quick look tells me I have both the Sun and
openJDK stuff installed so I suspect this relates to an issue I saw on
another forum. Which is the best (most stable) of the two to install?
Right now I plan a brute force attack to delete all the java stuff and
re-install from scratch.
> caf4926 wrote:
>> Remove openJDK and leave Sun:
>> ‘[image: http://thumbnails12.imagebam.com/4339/4d82ee43389041.gif]’
>> (http://www.imagebam.com/image/4d82ee43389041)
> i agree…run the SUN stuff, only…but Will, deleting all and
> reinstalling may be best…you decide…
> openSUSE can hang on to several different versions…i’ve been happy
> lately with just one installed…and i get by with just these three pieces:
> java-1_6_0-sun
> java-1_6_0-sun-devel
> java-1_6_0-sun-plugin
Just one question: I didn’t see the 64-bit Mozilla plugin in the Sun stuff
but I did get the plugin with the icetea (Open) version. Did I just
overlook something or is the java-1_6_0-sun-plugin still 32-bit only???
Oops - I see from your screen shot that I better have my glasses checked!
> Oops - I see from your screen shot that I better have my glasses checked!
not my screen shot (which also proves MY glasses are far from meeting
that eye test)…
and, i can’t answer your 64 question, because i’m still in 32, though
i did load up v9.x or 10-something in 64 and decided it was more
trouble than worth…(and, i don’t have any huge dbs or crank on huge
photo RAW files…so. . .)
hmmmm…but, wouldn’t the 32 bit plugin run on your system??
Right on. After platinum’s post, I went back and looked again. This time,
I limited the yast search to “java-1_6” and there it was. Don’t know how I
missed it the first time but now the FireFox plugin and DB2’s Control
Console play nice together again.
After revisiting the ps output, I don’t think it was a matter of having both
installed but the fact that different programs were invoked in such a way
that BOTH versions were trying to run at the same time and stepping on each
other in some obscure fashion. In fact, once I re-installed the Sun 1.6
plugin and overwrote the FireFox plugin to Sun rather than the openJDK
plugin all the problems seemed to resolve.
Anyway, I feel a lot more confident about having a single java version
running with no chance of collision now. Lesson learned.
The problem probably was that 64 bit Webstart was only added after the release of openSuSE 11.1 so it can only be found in the update repo.
Personally I don’t install software from the main factory repo, since I’m scared that these programs are compiled for a different kernel version etc. You can get the plugin from the main update repo: http://download.opensuse.org/update/11.1/rpm/x86_64/java-1_6_0-sun-plugin-1.6.0.u15-0.1.1.x86_64.rpm
Also on the conflicting installation of openJDK and Sun Java, as far as I know there should be no problem, since update-alternatives should create the correct symlinks. I have both installed (actually Java 5 and 7 too) and switch between them without a problem.
There is no problem in having multiple Java versions installed, the problem is wrong symlinks in /usr/bin or somewhere else.