Still not able to update

Hello, I’ve looked all over the forums, and came across the same answers. But I’m still not able to update, so I’ve deleted all of my repos, to start from scratch, now I dont know witch repos to add. Any repos I try I get the same stupid error, this is so frustrating, I’m out of ideas and stock at a few other problems where people get to solve them by “UPDATING” lol… If anyone could give me a hand here I’ll really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.

Repository Management - openSUSE Forums

Repos to add

Index of /distribution/11.2/repo/oss

Index of /distribution/11.2/repo/non-oss

Index of /update/11.2

I have added those, and still not able to update, some error comes up giving me 3 options: Retry, Skip and Abort…

Whats next?

This is for 11.2 correct?

Good point
Please confirm

Yes guys, its for 11.2

what about a “manual” way to update openSuse 11.2? instead of the repo way…

I’ve read of cases where users who did not disable ipv6 had problems.

Try disabling ipv6 as a boot option, and check to see if the problem is still there.

Disable IPv6 - openSUSE Forums

Aren’t those checksum errors? I just posted another thread about that (“zypper checksum errors”). I just downgraded zypper and cancelled the upgrade.

I have allready disable that.

I vaguely recall there was a bug in the 11.2 milestone/RC release where that ipv6 disabling method did NOT work. Where in fact, it would still be enabled, despite selecting that.

Instead, one has to disable it (for now) via a boot code in the options line in the grub menu:


I got both ways already done, the ipv6 is disable from boot and from the network manager thingy…

Anyone knows whats wrong?

I believe that, I too, may be having this issue.

System still shows up as 11.2RC1 despite having the right repos and running zypper dup.

I’m glad that im not the only one having this issue, but we still dont know how to fic it… c’mon bright minds, help us out here :slight_smile:

Please open a terminal switch to su and do

zypper ref


zypper lu

Just want to confirm this is or isn’t working

Ok, so I did a fresh installation, got my INTERNET to work after disabling the ipv6 by inserting that ipv6.disable=1 line into my boot loader.

The repos that I have are the ones that came with the DVD, and when I put that into the terminal this is what I get:

~> sudo zypper ref
root's password:
Retrieving repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Non-Oss' metadata \]Failed to download /media.1/media from
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/?] (a): a
Retrieving repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Non-Oss' metadata [error]
Repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Non-Oss' is invalid.
Can't provide /media.1/media : Failed to download /media.1/media from
Please check if the URIs defined for this repository are pointing to a valid repository.
Skipping repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Non-Oss' because of the above error.
Retrieving repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Oss' metadata |]Failed to download /media.1/media from
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/?] (a): a
Retrieving repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Oss' metadata [error]
Repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Oss' is invalid.
Can't provide /media.1/media : Failed to download /media.1/media from
Please check if the URIs defined for this repository are pointing to a valid repository.
Skipping repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Oss' because of the above error.
Retrieving repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Update' metadata /]aFailed to download /repodata/repomd.xml from
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/?] (a):a
Retrieving repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Update' metadata [error]
Repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Update' is invalid.
Can't provide /repodata/repomd.xml : Failed to download /repodata/repomd.xml from
Please check if the URIs defined for this repository are pointing to a valid repository.
Skipping repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Update' because of the above error.
Some of the repositories have not been refreshed because of an error.

thats what i got out of the first zypper, here comes the second one:

~> zypper lu
Failed to download /media.1/media from                                                             
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/?] (a): a                                          
Repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Non-Oss' is out-of-date. You can run 'zypper refresh' as root to update it.                                                           
Failed to download /media.1/media from                                                                 
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/?] (a): a                                          
Repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Oss' is out-of-date. You can run 'zypper refresh' as root to update it.                                                               
Failed to download /repodata/repomd.xml from                                                                          
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/?] (a): a                                          
Repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Update' is out-of-date. You can run 'zypper refresh' as root to update it.                                                            
Loading repository data...                                                      
Retrieving repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Non-Oss' data...                           
Retrieving repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Non-Oss' metadata \]Failed to download /media.1/media from   
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/?] (a): a
Retrieving repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Non-Oss' metadata [error]
Repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Non-Oss' is invalid.
Can't provide /media.1/media : Failed to download /media.1/media from
Please check if the URIs defined for this repository are pointing to a valid repository.
Problem loading data from 'openSUSE-11.2-Non-Oss'
Resolvables from 'openSUSE-11.2-Non-Oss' not loaded because of error.
Retrieving repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Oss' data...
Retrieving repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Oss' metadata |]Failed to download /media.1/media from
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/?] (a): a
Retrieving repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Oss' metadata [error]
Repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Oss' is invalid.
Can't provide /media.1/media : Failed to download /media.1/media from
Please check if the URIs defined for this repository are pointing to a valid repository.
Problem loading data from 'openSUSE-11.2-Oss'
Resolvables from 'openSUSE-11.2-Oss' not loaded because of error.
Retrieving repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Update' data...
Retrieving repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Update' metadata /]Failed to download /repodata/repomd.xml from
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/?] (a): a
Retrieving repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Update' metadata [error]
Repository 'openSUSE-11.2-Update' is invalid.
Can't provide /repodata/repomd.xml : Failed to download /repodata/repomd.xml from
Please check if the URIs defined for this repository are pointing to a valid repository.
Problem loading data from 'openSUSE-11.2-Update'
Resolvables from 'openSUSE-11.2-Update' not loaded because of error.
Reading installed packages...
No updates found.

…so… whats next? :slight_smile:

Please post result of

zypper lr -d

here is what i get:

:~> zypper lr -d
# | Alias           | Name                  | Enabled | Refresh | Priority | Type   | URI                                                             | Service
1 | openSUSE 11.2-0 | openSUSE 11.2-0       | Yes     | No      |   99     | yast2  | cd:///                                                          |
2 | repo-debug      | openSUSE-11.2-Debug   | No      | Yes     |   99     | NONE   |  |
3 | repo-non-oss    | openSUSE-11.2-Non-Oss | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | yast2  |    |
4 | repo-oss        | openSUSE-11.2-Oss     | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | yast2  |        |
5 | repo-source     | openSUSE-11.2-Source  | No      | Yes     |   99     | NONE   | |
6 | repo-update     | openSUSE-11.2-Update  | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md |                       |

And Thanks for helping me out by the way. :slight_smile: