Hello there,
since recently, I run into some kind of problem with steam. It does start, but doesn’t show any window.
I’m using the latest Tumbleweed-release with KDE Plasma, Nvidia GPU, Steam installed via openSuse-repository.
Here what I know so far:
- Problem does appear both when starting from the UI and the Terminal
- The Icon in the taskbar is working as intended
- It works when completely deleting all config files ONCE, second launch it doesn’t
- Games launch as normal when started via steam taskbar-icon or game desktop-icon
- Normal Steam client and beta is affected
Any help appreciated.
In addition, here the output when running “steam -d” :
Couldn't import apt, please install python3-apt or update steamdeps for your distribution.
steam.sh[10928]: Running Steam on opensuse-tumbleweed 20230623 64-bit
steam.sh[10928]: STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
setup.sh[11048]: Steam runtime environment up-to-date!
steam.sh[10928]: Steam client's requirements are satisfied
[2023-06-25 20:46:07] Startup - updater built Jun 21 2023 21:17:38
[2023-06-25 20:46:07] Startup - Steam Client launched with: '/home/fuchs/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam' '-d'
/tmp/dumps is not owned by us - delete and recreate
Unable to delete /tmp/dumps. Continuing anyway.
06/25 20:46:07 Init: Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1687386907)/tid(11134)
Looks like steam didn't shutdown cleanly, scheduling immediate update check
[2023-06-25 20:46:08] Loading cached metrics from disk (/home/fuchs/.local/share/Steam/package/steam_client_metrics.bin)
[2023-06-25 20:46:08] Using the following download hosts for Public, Realm steamglobal
[2023-06-25 20:46:08] 1. https://client-update.akamai.steamstatic.com, /, Realm 'steamglobal', weight was 1000, source = 'update_hosts_cached.vdf'
[2023-06-25 20:46:08] 2. https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com, /client/, Realm 'steamglobal', weight was 1, source = 'update_hosts_cached.vdf'
[2023-06-25 20:46:08] 3. http://media.steampowered.com, /client/, Realm 'steamglobal', weight was 1, source = 'baked in'
[2023-06-25 20:46:08] Checking for update on startup
[2023-06-25 20:46:08] Checking for available updates...
[2023-06-25 20:46:08] Downloading manifest: https://client-update.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam_client_ubuntu12
[2023-06-25 20:46:08] Manifest download: send request
[2023-06-25 20:46:08] Manifest download: waiting for download to finish
[2023-06-25 20:46:08] Manifest download: finished
[2023-06-25 20:46:08] Download skipped: /steam_client_ubuntu12 version 1687386907, installed version 1687386907, existing pending version 0
[2023-06-25 20:46:08] Nothing to do
[2023-06-25 20:46:08] Verifying installation...
[2023-06-25 20:46:08] Performing checksum verification of executable files
[2023-06-25 20:46:09] Verification complete
(process:11134): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 20:46:09.164: g_object_ref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
(process:11134): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 20:46:09.164: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
Loaded SDL version 3.0.0-1782-g214d5daa3
XRRGetOutputInfo Workaround: initialized with override: 0 real: 0xf050ef50
XRRGetCrtcInfo Workaround: initialized with override: 0 real: 0xf050d5f0
GetWin32Stats: display was not open yet, good
GetWin32Stats: display was not open yet, good
steamwebhelper.sh[11148]: Runtime for steamwebhelper: defaulting to /home/fuchs/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/steam-runtime-heavy
steamwebhelper.sh[11148]: glibc >= 2.34, partially disabling sandbox until CEF supports clone3()
CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread took 44 milliseconds to initialize
Failed to init SteamVR because it isn't installed
(steam:11134): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:46:10.574: gtk_disable_setlocale() must be called before gtk_init()
local (potentially out of sync) copy of roaming config loaded - 165 bytes.
BRefreshApplicationsInLibrary 1: 1ms
roaming config store loaded successfully - 165 bytes.
migrating temporary roaming config store
(steam:11134): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 20:46:13.343: g_object_ref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
(steam:11134): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 20:46:13.343: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
System startup time: 4.28 seconds
Failed to resolve path before download
Failed to resolve path before download
steamwebhelper.sh[11956]: Runtime for steamwebhelper: defaulting to /home/fuchs/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/steam-runtime-heavy
steamwebhelper.sh[11956]: glibc >= 2.34, partially disabling sandbox until CEF supports clone3()
BuildCompleteAppOverviewChange: 407 apps
RegisterForAppOverview 1: 5ms
RegisterForAppOverview 2: 6ms