Status of WebYaST project

Is WebYaST an active project in any form?

The documentation appears to be outdated or even abandoned.

What is recommended for remote access to the functionality of YaST, for administrators who seek a solution cleaner than opening a remote window over X?

I would do SSH and then use the YaST ncurses interface.

Maybe look at cockpit (a WEB UI), I use it here, then can use a terminal session and ncurses yast if needed?

Thank you for the response.

Is it meant to imply that WebYaST is abandoned, and has no successor?

Not sure, but think so… You can follow what’s happening here for example: YaST Development Report - Chapter 10 of 2022 | YaST browse the older ones for clues.

No, I have no idea about the project. This is just what I would do when I would have to manage remote openSUSE systems.