Status of installed package subsequently removed from a repository

If package is installed from a repo, that is eventually removed completely from the repo, what occurs to the package installed on the system? Does it remain as is, or would zypper dup attempt to remove it? I have a package installed from an external repo and it was removed from the repo due to an issue, but not before I upgraded it and zypper dup now wants to downgrade it (which would corrupt the user profile associated with it).

Thank you.

Easy check:
Install a package from a 3rd party repo:

test:~ # zypper in google-chrome-stable
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...

The following NEW package is going to be installed:

1 new package to install.

Package download size:   109.2 MiB

Package install size change:
              |     348.4 MiB  required by packages that will be installed
   348.4 MiB  |  -      0 B    released by packages that will be removed

Backend:  classic_rpmtrans
Continue? [y/n/v/...? shows all options] (y): 
Retrieving: google-chrome-stable-131.0.6778.108-1.x86_64 (Chrome)                                                                                                                                                                                        (1/1), 109.2 MiB    
Retrieving: google-chrome-stable-131.0.6778.108-1.x86_64.rpm ..............................................................................................................................................................................................[done (6.4 MiB/s)]

Checking for file conflicts: ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................[done]
update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable to provide /usr/bin/google-chrome (google-chrome) in auto mode
(1/1) Installing: google-chrome-stable-131.0.6778.108-1.x86_64 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................[done]
Running post-transaction scripts ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................[done]
test:~ # 

Remove the 3rd party repo:

test:~ # zypper rr Chrome
Removing repository 'Chrome' ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................[done]
Repository 'Chrome' has been removed.
test:~ #

Zypper dup:

test:~ # zypper dup
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Warning: You are about to do a distribution upgrade with all enabled repositories. Make sure these repositories are compatible before you continue. See 'man zypper' for more information about this command.
Computing distribution upgrade...
Nothing to do.
test:~ # 

Installed package:

test:~ # zypper se -si google-chrome-stable
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S  | Name                 | Type    | Version          | Arch   | Repository
i+ | google-chrome-stable | package | 131.0.6778.108-1 | x86_64 | (System Packages)
test:~ # 

As you can easily see, nothing will happen.

But if the package is available in another enabled repo, zypper will update/downgrade it to the available version.

Or simply disable it temporarily, until the issue is solved.
@epp you can also lock the package temporarily, so that zypper will not touch it.

This was an example what would happen with an installed package when it dissappears from the mirror (in this case it was simulated by removing the repo).

Thank you for the replies. I have (temporarily) disabled the repo, but in doing so, it prevents another package from being upgraded when available.

So when one package (or the other) shows a new version you may lock the package and enable the repo.


It may chose to silently remove it if removal solves dependency problems. Otherwise zypper would ask you presenting it as possible choice. zypper will not remove this package just because it became orphaned.

I am not sure what you are trying to achieve with that. Packages that cannot be associated with any enabled repository are by definition orphaned packages. It does not matter whether you remove or disable repository.

What is the command to lock/unlock the package, temporarily? Thank you.

zypper [al,rl] <packagename>

al is shorthand for addlock, rl for removelock. man zypper has the details.

That will work. Thank you. :slight_smile:

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