Hello evreybody im a newcommer my nane is Ozen and this is my question for you guy.
i have a little problem (Sorry for my bad inglish
im conected to a router and i set my router on fix ip and … i instal suse 11.3 and i get no connection it ok so i go to YaSt>NetworkDevices>Network Settings, and i use traditional method with ifup, i set my static ip ect… and i got nothing :\ but… on my other comptuer on windows (different platforce from win xp to seven) i have set the same conf (for windows) and i hva the net but not on my linux anybody can help me thx for your futur help and sorry agand for my bad english.
Did You set up your DNS in openSUSE properly as well ? Is it the same as on Windows ?
To check you DNS settings in Windows use the following command in cmd :
ipconfig /all
To check DNS in openSUSE use the following command in terminal :
cat /etc/resolv.conf
Check and compare if they point to the same ip address.
Also make sure the IP of OpenSuse machine is different from that on the
Windows machine. If OpenSuse and Windows both get their IP from the router
via dhcp this should not be a problem. But if you set static IPs on both
they must be different (e.g. and
P. V.
“We’re all in this together, I’m pulling for you.” Red Green