*** Starting YaST2 *** hangs

I’ve installed 12.3, and it hangs on the re-boot at the following line

*** Starting YaST2 ***

The first time it hung at

OK ] Started Cleanup at Temporary Directories.

I powered off and rebooted, now it hangs starting YaST2.

How do I fix this? I haven’t got a clue with this one.

YaST2 is trying to run when system boots up ?

probably running stage 2 (the automatic configuration)

How long did it hang? In some situation it can take a while before the final stage of the configuration starts. First one runs from the install media, second stage from the installed system to get it configured,

This is discussed in detail here https://forums.opensuse.org/english/get-technical-help-here/pre-release-beta/483113-creating-automatic-configuration-uefi-systems.html
You might find a solution there

The initial boot was hung for 4 hours before I shut it down.

Reboots never go into emergency mode. Just hangs.

This was a new install, with default everything except selected to install add on dvd also. (There’s something wrong with not selecting add on. With add on about 1,400 packages installed, without add on about 400 packages. But that’s a different bug.)

I told it to use the entire disk.

It is a standalone AMD K7 machine with no network. I’ve done many previous version openSUSE installs in the past and they worked.

On 03/17/2013 04:46 PM, LouBryan wrote:
> I’ve done many
> previous version openSUSE installs in the past and they worked.

if it were me i wouldn’t do anything until i booted from that install
media and ran the media self-test by selecting “Check Install Media”
on the first green screen…

any error is far too many!

as they say: Garbage in, garbage out.


Ran Check Install Media and it said ok. I let it install again. Still hangs. I let it sit for 3 hours this time.

When I powered off and restarted, I tried the Advanced options. The first line goes into a loop displaying the top part of the screen messed up then immediately goes blank. A few seconds later, it does the same thing again. Infinite loop.
The second line allows me to log in as root only. Looking at /home I see the user I defined is not there. The folder is empty. And the desktop settings are all messed up. I could not change them in the configure desktop. Only had 1 option 640 X 480 in the drop down.

It is hanging before the initial configuration can be run. I can’t use it like this.

What video you have? have you tried booting to rescue mode? Most of these install glitches are due to the video card/driver.

Opened a bugzilla. Got this in reply

Would bet it is another hang of “systemctl” call.

systemd is turning about to be a nightmare across 12.2,12.3 :open_mouth:

LouBryan, can you tell us the Bugzilla report number? I’m experiencing the identical behaviour on a machine which has happily run several generations of openSUSE.

Can anyone point me to a workaround for this issue?

YaST2 received 2 patches today and i remember one say level two bug or something

I also have installed many versions of openSUSE before this one. The only workaround I found was to re-install 12.2. The bugzilla for this one is 810127 Starting YaST2 hangs.

I don’t know if it’s related, but I opened two more bugs:
810130 12.3 Live DVD does not work
810131 12.3 Rescue CD hangs

If you have the same problem, add a note to the bug. The more people that have the problem the more incentive they have to fix it. Hope this helps.

Hi everyone,

Having the same issue here, even though the bug reports seem to be closed.

I’ve already tried several different things before posting, like disabling the floppy from BIOS (https://www.suse.com/releasenotes/x86_64/openSUSE/12.3/ - Section 2.4) and adding the nomodeset on grub to discard a graphics issue, but I keep getting the same result.

Last try has been running for more than 8 hours, without results.

This is a fresh install, and it never gets to the configuration, either Automatic or Manual. I tried both thinking it might be a flaw on the Automatic version. What is really frustrating is that when I first installed on a VM it worked like a charm.

The hardware on which I am installing is the following:

AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ - 1Gb Ram - video GeForce GT240 - 80Gb HDD (x2)

Does anybody have a workaround for this yet?

And another question that I consider even more important? Why is this still happening when this had supposedly been fixed? The iso was downloaded not 48 hours ago.

Thanks in advance!

ISO’s are seldom if ever changed. You get the updates by updating. ie the ISO is the same bits that was originally released

Can you get to a command line??

If so all can be fixed.

How far in the install did you get?

Disable the floppy if there is not one only speeds booting it does not fix video problems

So what is the ‘same’ result. we can’t see over you shoulder.

Did you try a text install?

On 2013-07-06 00:46, choucete wrote:

> And another question that I consider even more important? Why is this
> still happening when this had supposedly been fixed? The iso was
> downloaded not 48 hours ago.

But the iso you just downloaded is the same as it was several months
ago. If you want the bug corrections, you have to do the updates. Use
yast online update (aka YOU), or run “zypper patch” on a terminal as root.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)

I’d go w/ vidcard brob too…can u get /var/log/boot.log or boot.msg? Those might give info about the prob.

The bug report for this one, 810127, is not closed yet.

I’m waiting for 12.4, because if it can’t even get to a command line then how can an upgrade be run?

It’s interesting that it’s happening on your 64 bit machine. All other instances that I’ve seen were on 32 bit computers. I thought opensuse had dropped support on some 32 bit command. I was wrong on that one.

It’s not a video card issue. I’ve been installing since opensuse 10 on this video card without problems. (I did have problems with lack of SSE, but that was a cpu issue, not a video card issue.)

Please go to bug 810127 and post a comment that you are having the problem. And be sure to tell them that it’s happening on an AMD Athlon 64. Then maybe they will have it fixed before the 12.4 iso is released. Let’s only hope. Because the only work around right now is to re-install 12.2. I’d hate to be stuck in 12.2 forever.

Here’s the link to the bug

there will be no 12.4 it is jumping to 13.1. Why? I don’t know???