Starting LibreOffice apps in KDE

In 12.3 with KDE 4.10.1 and LO 4.0.2
When I start any LO application the bouncy cursor
with the LO icon carries on bouncing for about 30 secs
after the app opens. Everything works it’s just a bit
annoying. Has anyone else got this ?



PS If you’ve seen this before I seem to have posted in the French forum !

My applications run in Dutch, thus my translations back into English might not be correct, but I think you will find the following:

Maiin KDE menu > System Settings > Program and system notifications. Then the item Startup notification. There you can lower the limit (indeed 30 secs default) or switch the idiot bouncer off.

Normaly the bouncer should stop when the window opens (or something like that), but it seems that LO does not cope in giving the correct signal of: “I am running”.

Perfect , many thanks


libreoffice can be a little slow to start up as well, but that depends on hardware and how the OS interacts with it.

You are welcome.

On 03/27/2013 04:56 AM, interele pecked at the keyboard and wrote:
> In 12.3 with KDE 4.10.1 and LO 4.0.2
> When I start any LO application the bouncy cursor
> with the LO icon carries on bouncing for about 30 secs
> after the app opens. Everything works it’s just a bit
> annoying. Has anyone else got this ?
> Ta
> M
> PS If you’ve seen this before I seem to have posted in the French
> forum !
It happens with me but with firefox. So it must not be specific to any
one app.