starting kde it shows and use always english US keyboard insteda english UK, I have to switch every time to english UK keyboard.
yast>hardware>system keyboard layout settings shows at first position English(UK) and second English(US)
yast>system>language settings>primary language settings shows as primary language English (UK)
kde system settings>input devices>keyboard>layouts label shows at first position English(UK) and English(US) is absent
kde system settings>regional settings>language shows at first position british english (default) and at second position American english
what I have to set to have english (UK) as default keyboard layout?? and so, when I boot in kde it will be used and I have not to switch to it from english (US)
manythanks and happy christmas
may be this can help, when I launch konsole as superuser it ask me password, and gives this error:
-bash: warning: setlocale: LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8,LANG=en_GB.UTF-8): No such file or directory