Starting compiz in LXDE

anyone can tell me how i can make sure that compiz starts on boot in LXDE?
i got opensuse 11.3 LXDE, but need to change to compiz manually each time i boot my system by starting simple-ccsm and checking the enable checkbox.

Just a small remark: compiz will not start at boottime, since no X is running. It should be made to start on login. This may seem a futile remark, but I write it to avoid you looking in the runlevel editor, /etc/profile etc. The solution to this matter should be in your /home. I’ll have a look in LXDE if this can be set to autostart.

yes i meant the autostart it, my bad…
i just done know what file i need to put in the autostart folder to make it start each time…

Am 31.10.2010 14:06, schrieb Dennis900:
> yes i meant the autostart it, my bad…
> i just done know what file i need to put in the autostart folder to
> make it start each time…

open lxsession-edit and set compiz-manager as your window manager.
this will automatically start compiz for you.
you might have to install the package compiz-manager first…

otherwise you can use fusion-icon [1] to switch between compiz and openbox.


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