start kgpg from command-line does not work at all

dear opensuse-expert

want to start kgpg from command-line

linux-70ce:/home/martin # kgpg -k
unnamed app(3820): KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the D-Bus session server:  "Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken." 

unnamed app(3819): KUniqueApplication: Pipe closed unexpectedly. 

linux-70ce:/home/martin # 

btw - i run openSuse 13

I would not say “It does not work at all”. It works and shows error messages. Which is what it should do if it encounters problems.

Apperently you want help with interpreting these messages.

In general you won’t be able to run any KDE app (usually starts with a k) directly from a console or terminal and will result in a dbus error.

Use “kdesu” instead, eg

kdesu kgpg


I don’t think that’s right. I often start applications from the command line.

Use “kdesu” instead, eg

kdesu kgpg

And that’s certainly wrong. You only need “kdesu” for applications that need root privileges. And “kgpg” does not require root privileges.

I just started “kgpg” at the command line, without a problem. However, this is 42.1. So I’ll boot up a 13.2 system soon, and try it again there.

The OP has a different problem, though I’m not sure what it is. Maybe try rebooting. Perhaps “systemd” has been updated since the last boot, and maybe that broke a comminication link.

I’ve now started “kgpg” at the command line in 13.2. Again, no problem.

With both 13.2 and 42.1, there was a message “QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified” but “kgpg” started up just fine. I’m ignoring the message.

The command line prompt (the ‘#’ in particular) would indicate that you switched to root via su.
Don’t do that, it won’t work that way, as kgpg doesn’t find the user’s dbus session (and that’s what the error message tells you).

“su -” should work, but as mentioned you shouldn’t run kgpg as root anyway.

My apologies,
Yes, my previous post should be disregarded.

BTW - I just checked on my 13.2/KDE (fully updated),
I don’t have a problem launching kgpg from the command line.

So, maybe you need to update your system?

zypper up


hello - many many thanks

i will try out - all the tipp

see below

linux-70ce:/home/martin # zypper up
Datei ‘/repodata/repomd.xml’ nicht auf dem Medium ‘’ gefunden.

Abbrechen, wiederholen, ignorieren? [a/w/i/? zeigt alle Optionen] (a):

which mean -

abbrechen - do not continue
wiederhlen - repeat
ignorieen - ignore

hmmm - what should i do now… no zypper up work - at least it seems so…

and now see this – regarding the kgpg-start

linux-70ce:/home/martin # kgpg -k
unnamed app(2737): KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the D-Bus session server:  "Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken." 

unnamed app(2736): KUniqueApplication: Pipe closed unexpectedly. 

linux-70ce:/home/martin # 

That’s a 13.1 repo. Since 13.1 is past its support period, maybe that repo doesn’t exist. The standard repos are still there for evergreen support, but extra repos may have been removed.

linux-70ce:/home/martin # kgpg -k
unnamed app(2737): KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the D-Bus session server:  "Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken." 

unnamed app(2736): KUniqueApplication: Pipe closed unexpectedly.

linux-70ce:/home/martin #

Why are you trying that as root? Start “kgpg” as an ordinary user.

hello dear nrickert

many many thanks for the quick reply.

i will try this out later the day… i come back and report all the findings.

btw: you start kgpg on command line just with this little command kgpg - without any additional things - or commands!?

Why a 13.1 Repo when you say in the Title: openSUSE 13.2 start kgpg…

hello dear all - will do some more checks.

come back and report all the findings.



hmmm kgpg still i somewhat broken

linux-70ce:/home/martin # kgpg
unnamed app(4130): KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the D-Bus session server: “Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.”

unnamed app(4129): KUniqueApplication: Pipe closed unexpectedly.

does not start at all… unfortunatley

see the correct data - bout the version of openuse here

linux-70ce:/home/martin #  zypper lr -d
# | Alias                        | Name                         | Aktiviert | Aktualisieren | Priorität | Typ    | URI                                                                           | Dienst
1 | All_of_Packman               | Packman                      | Ja        | Ja            |   10      | rpm-md |                                   |       
2 | KDE:Extra                    | KDE:Extra                    | Ja        | Nein          |   99      | rpm-md |            |       
3 | M17N                         | M17N                         | Ja        | Ja            |   99      | rpm-md |                 |       
4 | libreoffice                  | libreoffice                  | Ja        | Ja            |   99      | rpm-md | |       
5 | openSUSE 13.1 NON-OSS        | openSUSE 13.1 NON-OSS        | Ja        | Ja            |   99      | yast2  |                  |       
6 | openSUSE 13.1 NON-OSS Update | openSUSE 13.1 NON-OSS Update | Ja        | Ja            |   99      | rpm-md |                             |       
7 | openSUSE 13.1 OSS            | openSUSE 13.1 OSS            | Ja        | Ja            |   99      | yast2  |                      |       
8 | openSUSE 13.1 OSS Update     | openSUSE 13.1 OSS Update     | Ja        | Ja            |   99      | rpm-md |                                     |       
9 | repo-update-non-oss          | openSUSE-13.1-Update-Non-Oss | Ja        | Ja            |   99      | rpm-md |                             |       
linux-70ce:/home/martin # 

and here

linux-70ce:/home/martin # zypper lr -d

| Alias | Name | Aktiviert | Aktualisieren | Priorität | Typ | URI | Dienst

1 | All_of_Packman | Packman | Ja | Ja | 10 | rpm-md | |
2 | KDE:Extra | KDE:Extra | Ja | Nein | 99 | rpm-md | |
3 | M17N | M17N | Ja | Ja | 99 | rpm-md | |
4 | libreoffice | libreoffice | Ja | Ja | 99 | rpm-md | |
5 | openSUSE 13.1 NON-OSS | openSUSE 13.1 NON-OSS | Ja | Ja | 99 | yast2 | |
6 | openSUSE 13.1 NON-OSS Update | openSUSE 13.1 NON-OSS Update | Ja | Ja | 99 | rpm-md | |
7 | openSUSE 13.1 OSS | openSUSE 13.1 OSS | Ja | Ja | 99 | yast2 | |
8 | openSUSE 13.1 OSS Update | openSUSE 13.1 OSS Update | Ja | Ja | 99 | rpm-md | |
9 | repo-update-non-oss | openSUSE-13.1-Update-Non-Oss | Ja | Ja | 99 | rpm-md | |
linux-70ce:/home/martin #

It still looks as if you are starting from a root shell.

Yes, I sometimes start “kgpg” from the command line, without operands. When I do that, I lands in the system tray. Or, more often, I start from the menu (and it still lands up in the tray). If I want to actually do anything with it, I then click on the tray icon to bring up the window.