I have the following environment here: One NIS & NFS server running Novell Enterprise Server 10 plus several clients running mostly Suse 10.3 plus one client running Suse 11.1. Home directories are automounted from the Novell server via NFS. Everything works beautifully, with one exception:
On the Suse 11.1 client, things are OK only for the first interactive Session. Every following session that is opened receives ‘stale nfs file handle’ errors and screwed or no access to the affected directories.
/var/log/messages does not record any errors, neither on the client nor on the server side.
The problem appears to be independend of the session type (X, VNC, SSH all the same).
Parallel access to the affected directories through other clients via nfs or samba is OK.
Problem appears only on the Suse 11.1/kde4 client.
Problem appears only on automounted directories, can not be reproduced on “hard” mounted directories.
time is synced on all machines against
rebooting or restarting automounter does not help
Well, it’s a puzzle to me. But maybe somewhere out there somebody went through the same and knows more than me. Any help or information on where to poke is apprecciated.