SSH timeout on fresh install of Tumbleweed

Hi @all!

I just installed Tumbleweed on my notebook and wanted to activate the ssh server to easily manage it from my main machine. After adding the service to the firewall, i could connect and it seemed fine.

As soon as i list directories with some entries (in the region of more than 30 i would say), start vim or e.g. open journalctl, the ssh session freezes and terminates after ~1m 20s. When execute the same ls command and piping it to less, everything works.

On the notebook itself, without ssh, everything works fine. There are no entries in the journal and ssh -vvv doesn’t help (at least me), too.

Any ideas on what’s happening and how i can resolve it? Reinstalling didn’t help either.

You could connect from where? Local network, some place on Internet? You use wireless or wired interface on your notebook?

Could you rewrite that in a way that anyone can reproduce what you are experiencing?
Don’t forget to mention the OS and SSH versions of all related machines.

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