Ssh connection local network denied

I tried to tighten the security of my ssh service. I use it only when I’m on the local network and I tried to configure Firewalld to shut the service for access from outside, and open it for just local access. I have done something wrong, because I get the message:

ssh dagr@
ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host
I can send the firewalld rules and denied/allow host + ssh config files, but I wait until someone tells me which to look at.

Please help

Dag R

Is it working when you disable your Firewall on

Yes. Do you want the rules from firewalld home?

But I am not the man in using firewall rules…

@dagring Are you connecting direct to the internet with this machine, if your using a router that should be doing all the work? Unless there is no port forwarding going on, then all is good…

I have no firewalls running on the local network… all is done on the internet facing router.

You say it is no use in a firewall if the machine is connected to router? I don’t use any port forwarding.

@dagring Is the firewall enabled on the Router?

@dagring that looks fine for the local network (lan). Incoming is all blocked. If you have another laptop and a phone with a hotspot to connect to on the LTE/5G network etc then can use nmap to look at your external ip address…

Then there is always and shields up…

i got this ■■■■ in the face when I printed the /var/log/messages:

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2024-09-23T21:56:43.422309+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[20105]: Invalid user admin from port 47116
2024-09-23T21:57:36.108383+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[20187]: Invalid user sammy from port 59980
2024-09-23T22:12:44.885751+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[21466]: Invalid user adminftp from port 38032
2024-09-23T22:13:13.993088+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[21492]: Invalid user daniel from port 40024
2024-09-23T22:13:18.855316+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[21527]: Invalid user administrator from port 45772
2024-09-23T22:13:53.803667+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[21588]: Invalid user administrator from port 53514
2024-09-23T22:14:04.896852+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[21594]: Invalid user debianuser from port 52890
2024-09-23T22:14:29.488857+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[21643]: Invalid user anand from port 33028
2024-09-23T22:14:54.566456+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[21664]: Invalid user nisec from port 37518
2024-09-23T22:15:04.271502+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[21684]: Invalid user basesystem from port 40768
2024-09-23T22:15:38.174960+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[21735]: Invalid user bkp from port 48508
2024-09-23T22:15:41.144709+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[21738]: Invalid user administrator from port 50374
2024-09-23T22:16:10.295025+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[21756]: Invalid user cacti from port 56252
2024-09-23T22:16:28.313575+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[21801]: Invalid user admin from port 35004
2024-09-23T22:16:45.725874+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[21817]: Invalid user chris from port 35762
2024-09-23T22:17:21.081452+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[21876]: Invalid user daniel from port 43506
2024-09-23T22:17:56.726865+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[21911]: Invalid user david from port 51246
2024-09-23T22:18:10.797130+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[21918]: Invalid user admin from port 60716
2024-09-23T22:18:11.471483+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[21920]: Invalid user admin from port 7533
2024-09-23T22:18:33.767971+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[21980]: Invalid user david from port 58990
2024-09-23T22:18:59.214067+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[22036]: Invalid user admin from port 45348
2024-09-23T22:19:07.267437+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[22041]: Invalid user debian from port 38502
2024-09-23T22:19:44.819427+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[22098]: Invalid user debianuser from port 46244
2024-09-23T22:19:47.484100+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[22101]: Invalid user user1 from port 58204
2024-09-23T22:20:37.295983+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[22175]: Invalid user administrator from port 42842
2024-09-23T22:21:23.256256+02:00 opensuse22 sshd[22255]: Invalid user cacti from port 55704

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@malcolmlewis I got upset and thought I had to protect the server.

The result showed 1000 ports scanned and no response. I tested the Shieldsup-site as well. How come i get those invalid users registered in /var/log/messages?

Dag R

@dagring Are you running services internally that are exposed to the internet? Or something that could be tunneled through?

I don’t think so. How can I check that?

@dagring I would run nmap against your internal lan machines (smart tv’s, phones etc) to see. Do you have many on the local network? Not using VPN?

Yes. several PC’s and other appliances like light bulbs, printer. How do I run nmap on all Devices? The last 12 hours there haven’t been any login attempts beside my own. I did some changes in /etc/host.allow & deny.

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