This morning when I had a lot to do my home DE Leap42.1 refuse to wake up from suspend. Oh I tried a lot of scenarios. Deinstall ATI/AMD flgrx and so on. Noting helped, - not even Ice vm as a DE started. Konsole(terminal) worked.
Ok! Btrfs and snapper… /Roll back. For the first time I manage to use snapshots to roll back. I tested and the 4’th did the trick. Booted up in read-only to booted to KDE and:
ctrl+alt+F2 (got konsole) and typed "snapper rollback"
I’m up and running again even after a zypper up and reboot.
I have read a lot of advices in this forum and others about to “config” a SSD.
I had a look in among other files ie /etc/cron.weekly and there is already commands to “trim” etc. I like when I can rely on others doing my tasks. I’m lazy yes. No I don’t understand Leap42.1 and fstab. Different from 13.x for adding “options”.
regards (online fast thanks to snapshots).