Spamassassin Kmail

I’m new to spamassassin, so I might be missing something here. I’m trying to figure out why email that I mark as SPAM isn’t treated as spam (i.e., moved to the trash) the next time I get an email with similar headers. I’m use to AVG on Windows, and when I mark an email as SPAM, the next time I get it, it immediately moves it to SPAM, and I never have to think about it again. How do I do this in spamassassin.

I downloaded check_whitelist, and I display the contents of the “auto-whitelist”. This “auto-whitelist” doesn’t seem to be “whitelist” but a berkeley db which contains all emails with a calculated score. I have all spamassassin defaults as installed by OpenSUSE 11.2, so the required_score is 5. This is also commented in my user_prefs.

I noticed the manpage for spamassassin is broken. There’s a message at the bottom of the manpage indicating the error, and the help is truncated.

Spamassassin v3.3.1 is in the repository:“devel:languages:perl/openSUSE_11.2”. Is this a “safe” repository? What is its purpose? Does “devel” mean development as in “alpha, test”, or as in “developer, tools for developers”?

Spamassassin in Kmail needs some human intervention. In other words, you don’t install it and forget about it. What kinds of things do you do to maintain and use Spamassassin in Kmail?

Thank you.

Is the spamd service enabled and running? Check either via YaST runlevel
editor or from the command line;

sudo /sbin/chkconfig spamd
sudo /sbin/chkconfig spamd on
sudo /usr/sbin/rcspamd start

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 (x86_64) Kernel
up 9:10, 6 users, load average: 0.19, 0.55, 0.48
GPU GeForce 8600 GTS Silent - CUDA Driver Version: 195.36.15

I’m not running spamd. I’m using spamassassin directly. A link on the KDE Kontact/Kmail site said it could be run in one of two modes, direct or daemon. I went with direct.

In KMail I used: Tools -> Anti-spam wizard.
Four filters were added.

  1. SpamAssassin Check
  2. Spam Handling
  3. Classify as Spam
  4. Classify as NOT spam

In my inBox I can click on an email and “Classify as Spam”, and it is immediately moved to the Trash. But, no matter how many times I get the same spam, “SpamAssassin Check” doesn’t seem to recognize any email as spam. I don’t know if this is the problem, but when I look at spamassassin’s score it doesn’t seem to go over 5.

Thank you.

I’m just listening in on this cos I gave up getting it to work.

I used to get lovely spam headers in kmail (pretty little graphs in the header), then I thought: “I know, lets turn spam checking on” the same way as you have done.

I lost all my nice spam header graphs (no idea how they got there), everything ground to a halt when checking/sending mail (IMAP here) & nothing ever got classified as spam, no matter how often I clicked the filter buttons it added for me.

“Borked” thought I, and turned it off. Still no pretty spam headers :frowning:

This snippet came from a Linux Journal article:

The learning system SpamAssassin uses starts to become good at around 1,000 spam and 1,000 ham messages. With a semi-exception, the system doesn’t improve noticeably until after seeing more than 5,000 e-mail messages.

If I mark an email as spam, and keep getting that email, do I really have to wait for 1000 more before Spamassassin automatically recognizes it as spam? Icks!

Also wanted to add, that I’m running sa-update.
Anyone else?

Linux Pro Magazine has an article about sa-update in Spamassassin 3.3. Which is located in that “devel:languages:perl/openSUSE_11.2” repository.

Regarding the spam headers, did you check under Kmail’s
View → Headers. There’s Enterprise, Fancy, Brief…

I subscribed to the spamassassin archive rss feed and there were discussions regarding performance. It’s a busy list and it seems like more for folks running servers. Although, I found some of the stuff educational, I’m just not at that point yet, so I’m not following it as closely. Maybe look at one of the archives and search for performance, imap. Scroll down to “Users” and there’s a line: “Search: MarkMail GMANE Nabble Gossamer”. Click on MarkMail and search.

Going to give bogofilter a try for spam in KMail.

bogofilter is catching spam. Yeh! :slight_smile: