l am italian so sorry about my awful english.
l must install root_v5.24.00.source.tar , can I use yast so that it solves all dependencies without any my efforts?thank you
Unfortunately no - yast/zypper knows nothing about some random .tar package.
If you could tell us what that program is, we might give you a pointer if it’s available as an easily installable .rpm.
the sourse software at Production Version 5.24 | ROOT
I noted there is a binaries versione for Linux, could I compile it using yast?
I recommend that you try to compile from source. There are good instructions on your website here: Installing ROOT from Source | ROOT. The configure script will check the system for you and point out missing libraries (which in turn can be installed with yast).
And the answer is no: yast can not compile it for you.
Whilst YAST/zypper cannot help you with all the dependencies, you can still install certain things in advance, for example the GCC and Development files which you will need to compile programs from source - you will find that under YAST / Software / Software Management / Patterns / C/C++ Development.
Another note:
Just out of curiosity I downloaded the package on an openSUSE 11.1 system and unpacked it. This system contains most of the usual development packages from the standard repositories.
./configure linux --enable-mysql --enable-qt
went smoothly. Then I issued ‘make’. The compile stopped at some place, where I had to do the following:
cd ./net/xrootd/src/xrootd/src/XrdClient/
make -f GNUmakefile
and then I did run make again. This time it completed ok. So go for it! Be careful at the configure step to include any functions you may need.