My sound is quiet, sounds muddy, on cracks a ton on max volume (which is still quiet).
Do I need to install some realtek drivers?
Also when I use the volume mixer, it gives me some error message: “Unknown application: audio-volume-change”
kmix and pulse audio are two different thing entirely. kmix is a volume control Pulse Audio is a sound server. They serve different functions. Normally you would have both. Did you uninstall Pulse Audio?? There is a program called pavulcontrol which is a super duper volume control for pulse audio systems. Is that what you are talking about. It allows finer control of the sound source and sinks. It allows one to have multiple sound sources and rout different ones to different sinks ie sound card/output devices. But none of that should effect the quality. Since you are running Tumbleweed and it is cutting edge and I don’t I’ll leave it there.
You do know that you expect to bleed when riding the cutting edge.
I don’t have tumbleweed, I have 13.2.
Yes, I have pavucontrol. I still haven’t found how to fix my sound and my mic is still undetected
EDIT: p.s.: the sound is fine at lower volumes, but at higher volumes, it’s just plain bad, distorted, crackling, …
Maybe someone could link me to some realtek drivers? I know it’s proprietary, but it’s better than having no sound at all.
The sound ‘drivers’ for GNU/Linux come with the kernel. If you are curious to learn more about the audio configuration on your PC, you can run in a konsole/xterm a diagnostic script that will show you all sorts of information:
Any luck yet with your mic ? Let us know and if not, we can try to help.
Hmmm… for some reason, now it does detect my mic? I have no idea why it didn’t work before, neither why it is working now.
Anyways, here is the alsa-info.txt file your script generated:
I have no idea what to make of it.
The content of the file is incredibly useful for helping users to debug their system. It provides information on the openSUSE version, on the sound cards, the alsa version, on the status of the loaded kernel module (alsa driver), info on pulse audio, on the PC’s hardware audio codec, information on the mixer status … etc …
But this is all a mute point now since this is now working for you.
Sorry to read of your frustration. I confess thou, from my looking at the functionality you do have, “only” reads to be an exaggeration.
Still, in the interest of trying to help you further, may I suggest you look at this arch linux wiki, much of which is applicable to openSUSE: PulseAudio/Troubleshooting - ArchWiki
It’s certainly not an exaggeration. Everything sounds fine at about 25% volume, but at 100% volume everything sounds like this: [warning: turn down your volume]
But the sound is still quiet at max volume. Max volume sounds like double as loud in windows.
I’ll check the archwiki out later.