Sometimes GCC is added with install and sometimes not:

Hi, i’ve been noticing that GCC is sometimes installed with Tumblweed and then sometimes not installed with Tumbleweed. The same goes for various video related packages… Do you have anymore insight into why this could be or is happening?
-Seasons Best

When you install to a system that needs external kernel modules to be built, e.g. Nvidia modules, the whole build chain including GCC is installed as a dependency of that module. That may depend on the PCI IDs on the system you install to.
Maybe that is what you witnessed, different dependencies on different systems with e.g. different video cards.

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What I have been witnessing is the following:
Machines hardware left unchanged.
Variations of selected boot loader and partitions created by me when using the installer. For instance a game I have Never WInter Nights tested and ran like the day before yesterday with only the installation of ‘wine’, I believe that I did not even configure wine ‘# winecfg’. The game simply ran why it’s launcher was clicked. Shortly after I decided to reinstall the operating system and try setting different boot loader options…installer completed, cdrom added to users groups, wine installed, wine cfg executed, still game would not run… Had to go and manually compare some mesa and vulkan packages with another machine then the game finally ran… So this is perplexing me.

Have you heard of this before then? Reviewing your message, yes it does seem like this is possibly the case. Thanks

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