My labtop’s network card is begin supported in kernel4.4(there is no linux driver provided for this card) ,but LEAP42.1’s kernel is 4.1,so i cannot use wifi now,what can i do expect install tumbleweed?
My labtop’s network card is begin supported in kernel4.4(there is no linux driver provided for this card) ,but LEAP42.1’s kernel is 4.1,so i cannot use wifi now,what can i do expect install tumbleweed?
install kernel >= 4.4 on leap
build/install respective kernel module with sources from 4.4 against kernel 4.1 (“backport”) if possible
post suitable information about hardware (potential helpers may be experienced users, but they are most certainly not clairvoyants)
and also:
/sbin/lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 net